Re: notes on the Iband phone conference

Date: Thu Jan 15 2004 - 23:45:38 PST

  • Next message: Greg Aldering: "thoughts on I-band paper"

    Dear Serena,

    there is one other thing discussed at the meeting,
    which is not on your list. If I remember correctly,
    the idea was to try another template to fit the rise
    curve better. The potential implications include
    the maximum magnitude adjustment and the time
    of the maximium shifts. If you can show that
    difference is "small", then it would be a good
    thing to state, to safeguard against potential

    I would also be happy to see the degree of fit
    parameter correlations, either from the parameter
    covariance matrix (if your procedure can show that), or from Monte Carlo. The correlations you see
    are a very strong result of your paper, and it
    would be good to check that the fitting procedure
    does not cause them in a substantial way.


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