Comments on i-band paper (Dec 17 version)

From: Tony Spadafora (
Date: Tue Jan 13 2004 - 11:53:32 PST

  • Next message: Alex Conley: "more paper comments"

    Hi Serena,

    Here are my comments on your paper (sorry they're late.) I think this
    is clearly written and quite interesting. I confess that I am still
    not very familiar with this field, so my comments are mostly
    suggestions or questions of a general nature. I hope they're of some
    help to you.

    General organization: It seems that the paper has three major parts:
    a) analysis of nearby I-band data, b) 3 high z SNe i-band data, c)
    analysis for gray dust, evolution. There is new SCP data presented in
    b) on 2000fr, but some readers may not realize that because it is in
    the middle of the paper and is not mentioned in the abstract or the
    introduction. Offhand, I might have expected the a sequence:
    introduction, observations of new data, comparison to previous data,
    analysis. If we don't want to reorganize it (into separate papers??)
    then I'd suggest a mention at the end of the introduction that there is
    new data presented later.

    Related to the new data on 2000fr, would anything be gained by
    combining what we know from Knop et al R & I lightcurves, Garavini et
    al spectra. to arrive at a comprehensive understanding of this SN? Does
    it come out in the same relative position on the I band Hubble diagram
    as it did for the B-band one? Is that fact that you fit it with 1992bc
    and get Imax=23.35 consistent with what we know about this SN?

    Sec 2: is there a physical motivation or understanding of why you can
    fit B-template to I-band, or is it just empirical? If the latter, then
    could other templates also do as well?

    In the fitting procedure, I see that you fit for the top 5 parameters
    in Table 1, but what is the method to obtain the lower set of (actual
    Iband) parameters -so I know their exact definitions?

    Sec 2.4: I would think that establishing a width-luminosity relation
    in the i-band is a significant result for the field. Krisciunas states
    there is no such relation for JHK. (see his recent astroph). You state
      the result in sec 2.4 (and in the conclusions) but without much
    attention. If this is an important result, wouldn't it need more
    justification, included a thorough exploration of correlations of
    various parameters. I was wondering about sB vs sI. ( I know you have
    these on your web page, but should they be summarized here? ) I was
    excited that you found such a relation, but then a little let down to
    see you don't use this in sec 5 for the high z analysis, after all!

    sec 4. Related to the discussion of KIJs, how about showing the values
    in a table?


    Tony Spadafora
    Physics Division Tel: (510) 495-2316
    Lawrence Berkeley National Lab FAX: (510) 486-6738
    1 Cyclotron Road BLDG 50R5032
    Berkeley, CA 94720-8160

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