Re: Mark-up on paper (PDF file and MP3 voice recording)

From: Saul Perlmutter (
Date: Mon Jan 05 2004 - 18:15:44 PST

  • Next message: Serena Nobili: "Re: Mark-up on paper (PDF file and MP3 voice recording)"

    [ is the MP3 voice recording, missing from this email's attachements

    Saul Perlmutter wrote:

    > Hi Serena,
    > Here are my comments (scanned in PDF format, and explained in the
    > MP3 voice recording, since the scan is probably not obvious by
    > itself). First and foremost, I think this is very interesting work --
    > nice going! (...which I didn't remember to say in the midst of all the
    > detailed comments in the voice recording!)
    > There are a number of points that I think will be good for the
    > collaboration to discuss together (and give you a bit of help with some
    > of the work, ideally) -- probably we will want to have a collab phone
    > conference like we did with Rob's paper. We'll try to plan that this
    > week in the exec meeting.
    > Talk to you soon, and happy 2004. --Saul
    > ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    > Name: commentsForSerena.pdf
    > commentsForSerena.pdf Type: Acrobat (application/pdf)
    > Encoding: base64
    > Download Status: Not downloaded with message

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