Mark-up on paper (PDF file and MP3 voice recording)

From: Saul Perlmutter (
Date: Mon Jan 05 2004 - 18:10:55 PST

  • Next message: Saul Perlmutter: "Re: Mark-up on paper (PDF file and MP3 voice recording)"

    Hi Serena,
        Here are my comments (scanned in PDF format, and explained in the
    MP3 voice recording, since the scan is probably not obvious by
    itself). First and foremost, I think this is very interesting work --
    nice going! (...which I didn't remember to say in the midst of all the
    detailed comments in the voice recording!)

        There are a number of points that I think will be good for the
    collaboration to discuss together (and give you a bit of help with some
    of the work, ideally) -- probably we will want to have a collab phone
    conference like we did with Rob's paper. We'll try to plan that this
    week in the exec meeting.

        Talk to you soon, and happy 2004. --Saul

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