next steps for HST search

From: Tony Spadafora (
Date: Tue Apr 06 2004 - 19:42:17 PDT

  • Next message: Robert A. Knop Jr.: "Re: next steps for HST search"

    HST search group,

    When we recover from the lack of sleep, we should address steps for the
    near term. First though, we should pat ourselves on the back for a
    great job! let me be the first to acknowledge the really heroic
    efforts of Rob and Rachel in making this first search a great success!
    And the group here at LBL (including several first-time searchers)
    worked round the clock for three days with hard work that paid off in
    great success.

    I think everyone knows the outcome: In brief, we whittled the
    candidates down to a short list of a handful and then did decide this
    morning to initiate a ToO for followup of candidate acs04-076 for
    which the host photo-z is 1.6. (!!!). We're doing follow-up scenario F
    (z, J, H + grism). See the WIKI page for more info on the candidates.

    I'm still too tired to think straight, but we should think about how
    we'll handle releasing the results of the search for the short term. As
    the search was done in coordination with Adam, Saul and Rob may need to
    work out some dissemination plan with him. Do we put the candidates on
    a public page? or just share it between the two teams? we'll need
    to see which candidates we release and what information we put there.
    Do we want to put out a circular - on the short term so people could
    follow some of the nearby ones? or do we wait on that?

    Maybe Rob and Saul can propose a dissemination plan - we can try to
    have conference call if needed, or do it by e-mail.
    When the dust settles, I'm sure we'll want to have a post-mortem - but
    that can wait.

    for now, let's recover!

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