Photo-z = 0.07 for [Fwd: acs4-71]

From: Saul Perlmutter (
Date: Mon Apr 05 2004 - 23:11:28 PDT

  • Next message: Saul Perlmutter: "Photo-z = 1.52 (!) for[Fwd: acs4-181]. TYpe = Sa/Sb"

    (...but we should check that this coord story is correct)

    attached mail follows:


    Here are details on acs4-71.
    I noted that the coordinates you gave me for this object are different
    from that on the HST_071_small.png image on your web. This is based
    on teh coordinate you mailed me.


    * * *
    * Bahram Mobasher * Phone: (410) 338 4974 *
    * Space Telescope Science Institute * *
    * 3700 San Martin Drive * fax: (410) 338 5090 *
    * Baltimore MD 21218 * *
    * USA * email: *
    * * *

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