zeropoint corrections check

From: Greg Aldering (
Date: Mon Apr 05 2004 - 20:43:29 PDT

  • Next message: Robert A. Knop Jr.: "Re: zeropoint corrections check"

    Vitaliy and I looked at whether the zeropoint corrections just sent
    by Rob bring our photometry into agreement with that of Adam. Here
    is a comparison table

           Zorig Zapcor Zcorr ZAdam Diff | Iorig Iapcor Icorr IAdam Diff
     -076 24.52 0.57 25.09 25.1 0.0 | 25.96 0.59 26.55 26.8 -0.3
     -177 24.61 0.81 25.42 25.2 0.2 | 25.52 0.72 26.24 26.65 -0.41
     -096 24.90 0.73 25.63 25.5 0.1 |

    Look at the "Diff" columns; the corrections look good in Z-band. In
    I-band there is still a hint of a systematic (note the I-band magnitude
    uncertainties are 0.2-0.3 mag, so this is just a hint).

    - G & V

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