NOTE -- wrong magnitudes on individual images

From: Robert A. Knop Jr. (
Date: Mon Apr 05 2004 - 06:50:17 PDT

  • Next message: Natalia Kuznetsova: "Missing tiles"

    When you go into imview to look at the magnitudes on the invidual
    images, the magnitudes you get are TOO HIGH (i.e. too dim) by 0.75
    magnitudes, due to a bug in the processing. Please take this into
    account. (imview still is fine for consistency checks.)

    Note also that the magnitudes in imview are for the host+the supernova,
    so in general (when the magnitudes are right) you will see *lower*
    (brighter) magnitudes in imview for the individual images than you see
    in the subtraction. The bug offsets this (and will fortuitously offset
    it just the right amount if %INC is 100), but it wasn't intentional!


    --Prof. Robert Knop
      Department of Physics & Astronomy, Vanderbilt University

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