From: Robert A. Knop Jr. (
Date: Sat Apr 03 2004 - 23:00:36 PST

  • Next message: Vitaliy Fadeyev: "the zeropoint adjustments"

    On Sat, Apr 03, 2004 at 10:56:20PM -0800, Vitaliy Fadeyev wrote:
    > we only looked at I-band sums, and compared them to GOODs I-band (F775W)
    > tiles. Also, these are only "news", i.e. recent data. Did not look at
    > the year old reference yet. The variation was found in a single chip's field
    > of view, for most of the chips.

    Was the variation a systematic with position, or was it just a scatter
    (i.e. objects anywhere varied a lot)?

    If the former, then almost certainly the flatfielding is not too good.
    If the latter, then it would be interesting to try to correlate it with
    the i-z colors of the objects to find out if we're just seeing the
    filter differences. Also, anything near a bright star may suffer from
    "oversubtraction" noise.

    I haven't looked at the subtractions yet, but if they are clean across
    the image, that would seem to argue against systematic
    position-dependent flatfield errors of that size, for that would
    definitly leave noticable residuals unless by some amazing coincidence
    the giant reference we got had the same systematics.

    Note that *I* did the flatfielding. Naoki et all just sent us raw data,
    and I did all the preliminary reductions (very quickly). Flatfields
    were combined from the night sky images.


    --Prof. Robert Knop
      Department of Physics & Astronomy, Vanderbilt University

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