HST scan report

From: Gerson Goldhaber (g_goldhaber@lbl.gov)
Date: Mon Mar 22 2004 - 11:41:50 PST

  • Next message: Robert A. Knop Jr.: "Re: candidate"

    Hi Rob,
      I have scanned 13 of the fields you sent. Here are the results. As
    there is no way to save the candidates, they are listed here. I have
    also saved the tiles of all the possible candidates. They can be found
    ~gerson/hst*.ps . there are 8 such.
    Scanning is fairly easy. The removal of the "picture frame" takes about
    3 minutes. This leaves 30 to 90 candidates. The scanning involves
    comparing the sub and ref signals. I have only kept candidates with
    visible asociated galaxy. This involved either keeping all the 10
    candidates or killing all 10 in the first step. The scanning of the
    remaining tiles is simple and fast.

    Position: (809.6 , 2757.2)
       on acs02-03/nov212002acs1405drz.fts

    RA(2000) : 12:37:49.13
    Dec(2000): +62:17:38.0
    There is small original signal with new light within 5 pix

    !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! good candidate !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Position: (330.1 , 3667.0)
       on acs02-03/nov212002acs1105drz.fts

    RA(2000) : 12:36:43.69
    Dec(2000): +62:10:34.2
    possible new light next to galaxy very dubious
    Position: (2601.9 , 1599.6)
       on acs02-03/nov222002acs2205drz.fts

    RA(2000) : 12:36:45.73
    Dec(2000): +62:17:18.8

    sn or CR on galaxy
    Position: (674.6 , 2618.0)
       on acs02-03/nov222002acs2205drz.fts

    RA(2000) : 12:36:30.79
    Dec(2000): +62:17:50.5

    galaxy core brightens by nearly factor 3. SN or AGN
    Position: (922.8 , 3691.7)
       on acs02-03/nov222002acs1905drz.fts

    RA(2000) : 12:37:25.28
    Dec(2000): +62:19:18.4

    SN or CR 30 pixels from galaxy,seems too far!
    Position: (3247.0 , 3724.7)
       on acs02-03/nov222002acs1905drz.fts

    RA(2000) : 12:37:36.94
    Dec(2000): +62:17:55.3
    SN or CR 320 pixels from galaxy,seems too far!

    Position: (3409.8 , 423.2)
       on acs02-03/jan032003acs3205drz.fts

    RA(2000) : 12:36:49.91
    Dec(2000): +62:16:38.5

    SN or CR near galaxy
    Position: (1315.5 , 3723.2)
       on acs02-03/jan032003acs3105drz.fts

    RA(2000) : 12:36:07.27
    Dec(2000): +62:13:54.3
    SN or CR near gal central region
    Position: (1541.2 , 258.8)
       on acs02-03/jan022003acs2905drz.fts

    RA(2000) : 12:36:46.64
    Dec(2000): +62:13:32.6

    I have not yet compared with Adam's SNe.
                                        cheers Gerson

    This archive was generated by hypermail 2.1.4 : Mon Mar 22 2004 - 11:42:13 PST