info related to HST spring 2004 search (fwd)

From: Greg Aldering (
Date: Wed Sep 03 2003 - 13:37:15 PDT

  • Next message: Greg Aldering: "fall 2004 search with Subaru?"

    Some helpful info:

    a) At lunch today we found out from Jeff Newman that there is a Keck
       Observatory program to get spectroscopic redshifts for galaxies as
       faint at R_Vega=24 in the HDF-N/GOODS field. The data are being processed.
       I don't know how much more data will be coming in, but Jeff mentioned
       or order 10,000 redshifts.

    b) The state-of-the-art for GOODS photo-z's is shown in atro-ph/0309068.
       These photo-z's reach to R_Vega ~ 25.6

    - Greg

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