Re: Evolution paper

From: Robert A. Knop Jr. (
Date: Tue Jan 25 2005 - 12:14:38 PST

  • Next message: Gabriele Garavini: "Re: Evolution paper"

    On Thu, Jan 20, 2005 at 02:50:00AM +0100, Gabriele Garavini wrote:
    > I would like to know were we stand with the checks that
    > we set up to do during the last phone-conference before Xmas.

    Just to summarize the phone conversation we had a few minutes ago --

    Eric and I are stuck at the moment, because we *still* do not have the
    numbers and spectra for the low-z equivalent widths. We need this to
    verify that Eric's procedure really is the same as what Gaston has done,
    and any statements we make before we have those numbers to verify may be
    meaningless (cf: the long conversation at the meeting in December).

    What Eric is currently seeing with code that we *think* reproduces what
    you've done is that the high-z supernovae he has from Keck are showing
    up with EW's a little bit lower than the ones you have-- sort of at the
    ridgeline of your distribution. It is possible that this results from
    systematics in different galaxy subtraction. Eric is using Andy's fit
    program for galaxy subtraction; what are you using?

    Can you send us the galaxy-subtracted spectra from which you made your
    high-z measurements? (The original galaxy unsubtracted ones are all the
    ones on Isobel's spectrum page, yes? If not, please send us the
    location where we can find those.) That way, Eric can try his galaxy
    subtraction and compare it to your galaxy subtraction on the *same*
    spectra to see if that is the systematic. It may also allow us to
    diagnose if Eric's procedure really is the same as your procedure
    without having to wait for Gaston's numbers (although we *still* *need*
    *those*, so please get them to us!)

    > Rob do you find the new section of the Evolution paper where I explain
    > the technique and possible systematic, clear enough?

    A couple of outstanding issues:

       * What procedure do you do to identify the maximum, i.e. the center of
         the 20-30 angstrom window on each side? In low-z spectra, it's
         visually obvious, but it's less so with high-z spectra. You should
         comment how you choose it. Is it just by eye? Are you smoothing
         and doing it by eye? Are you fitting a parabola to the local data?
         Or something else? (Eric speaking: this is currently my biggest
         question about the procedure.)

       * Can we confirm the 20-30 angstrom region? Why not just pick 25
         angstroms and always use that for noisy spectra? (This is what Eric
         has done so far.) If sometimes you use one window and sometimes
         another window, what is it that guides the choice?

       * It's still a little unclear exactly what you're doing. One
         says straight line fit. The next paragraph says the wavelength
         regions selected. I would suggest the following wording for Section
         3.2.1, starting with paragraph 2:

             In order to measure an equivalent width (EW), the wavelength
             range of the line and the underlying continuum must be
             identified. In the case of narrow emission or absorption lines,
             this procedure is straightforward; however, SN spectra show very
             broad features bounded not by smooth continua, but mearly by
             local maxima between them. The wavelength range and continua
             used for EW measurements are defiend as follows.

             First, on either side of the feature a local maximum is
             identified; these local maxima are used as the edges of the
             wavelength range in which the equivalent width is measured.
             Table 4 lists the range of wavelengths in which the local maxima
             on either side of each feature can be found. In order to
             specify the location of the local maximum, we DO WHATEVER IT IS

             Once the positions of the local maxima are identified, we
             extract all of the data within a small window around both
             maxima. To those data, we perform a chi-square fit of a
             straight line. This fit is used to define the effective
             continuum for the equivalent width measurement. (This is an
             empirical definition used for purposes of the measurement; given
             the complicated blended nature of the SN spectra, it almost
             certainly does not represent a "real" continuum.) The
             wavelength span of these windows depends on the SNR of the
             spectrum. In high SNR spectra, a typical window has a width of
             10 A (?????). In low SNR spectra, where the position of the
             maximum is less easily identified, a larger region (typically
             20-30 angstroms, depending on WHAT DOES IT DEPEND ON?) is used.

             The systematic effect of low signal to noise... (((last two
             paragraphs as is for now))).

       * Please explicitly say that you're using the original resolution of
         the spectrum without smoothing or binning, if that is the case.

    -Rob & Eric

    --Prof. Robert Knop
       Department of Physics & Astronomy, Vanderbilt University

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