Re: Evolution paper

From: Gabriele Garavini (
Date: Mon Nov 22 2004 - 01:38:59 PST

  • Next message: Gabriele Garavini: "Re: Spectral paper"

    Dear Eric,

    thanks for checking this out. My understanding is that Gaston did the
    measurements on the high-z guys exactly as for the low-z. One thing that
    would explain what you are finding, though, is that he might have re-binned
    some of the spectra to visually decide where to put the endpoints and than
    do the actual measurements on the unbinned spectra. This wouldn't surprise
    me. Anyway what I do remember is that he used to select some small region
    around the maxima to fit the continuum.

    It would be nice to have his word on this issue. GASTON IF YOU ARE THERE
    .... SPEAK UP!!!!

    Moreover, do not be fooled by the binning of the data in the paper it is
    not related with the measurements, it is just for presentation purpose.

    One other sort of systematic could be the software used to do the galaxy
    extraction. I've been using Gregory Sainton one and not that of Andy.


    On Fri, 19 Nov 2004, Smith, Eric Adam wrote:

    > For anyone who's interested, in light of the recent discussion, I have written
    > up a brief report (attached) describing my methods of measuring equivalent
    > widths and comparing my results to Gaston's.
    > Eric A. Smith
    > Vanderbilt University

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