Re: Evolution paper

From: Gabriele Garavini (
Date: Thu Nov 18 2004 - 08:11:11 PST

  • Next message: Smith, Eric Adam: "Re: Evolution paper"

    YES. :-)

    Gaston did the actual measurements also for the high redshift guys.
    That's way I'm putting him in cc to these e-mail.


    On Thu, 18 Nov 2004, Smith, Eric Adam wrote:

    > Quoting Gabriele Garavini <>:
    > > as I was mentioning on a previous e-mail Gaston did the measurements and
    > > he decided where to put the end points just looking at the unbinned
    > > spectra. At least this is what I remember.
    > > Gabriele
    > I think the confusion is coming in because we assumed that you had done the EW
    > measurements in your paper. Did Gaston do those as well?
    > Eric A. Smith
    > Vanderbilt University

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