Re: Evolution paper

From: Tony Spadafora (
Date: Tue Nov 16 2004 - 15:05:12 PST

  • Next message: Gabriele Garavini: "Re: Evolution paper"

    Rob, is not a mail list - it just puts a copy in
    the archive

    For papers, we have only the full deepnews e-mail list. Otherwise,
    it's just ad hoc lists by the author.

    For this paper, Eric might check out the above archive and the relevant
    material from Gabriele and Gaston on the Stockholm page:

    Eric - if you have something new on this, please send it to or for a smaller list, to Gabriele + scpexec.


    On Nov 16, 2004, at 1:02 PM, Robert A. Knop Jr. wrote:

    > Hi -- can Eric Smith be added to the mailinb
    > list? (
    > He's been doing some work on the equivalent width stuff for the Keck
    > and
    > ESO 1998 spectra. Obviously this relates intimately to Gabriele's
    > work;
    > he has been comparing his stuff with what was the draft of Gabriele's
    > paper posted as of a month or so ago.
    > Among other things, he's found that you get systematic effects
    > depending
    > on the binning size that you use. I believe he has some other comments
    > on the methodology and documenting thereof. I've cc:'d Eric on this
    > message, in hopes that he will explain in greater detail what the issue
    > is.
    > -Rob
    > On Sat, Nov 13, 2004 at 02:51:02PM -0300, Chris Lidman wrote:
    >> Hi Gabriele,
    >> I've read through the first part of your evolution paper and
    >> I've made some minor corrections to the LaTex source. I've
    >> also made some comments, see the attached files called Notes.txt, on
    >> how the text could be made clearer.
    >> I'll go through the rest of the paper this week.
    >> Cheers, Chris.
    >> PS Have you had any news from Gaston?
    > --
    > --Prof. Robert Knop
    > Department of Physics & Astronomy, Vanderbilt University

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