Re: Ground Lightcurves (was Re: Gabriele's paper)

From: Gabriele Garavini (
Date: Thu Aug 26 2004 - 02:02:37 PDT

  • Next message: Chris Lidman: "Gabriele's paper"

    These are those in Chris's paper


    >> 01gy --------> S01-036
    >> 02fd --------> S02-000
    >> 00fr --------> C00-008
    >> 01gw --------> S01-033
    >> 01ha --------> S01-036
    >> 02gl --------> T02-030
    >> 01hc --------> S01-065
    >> 01gr --------> S01-017
    >> 02gi --------> T02-015
    >> 01gm --------> S01-005
    >> 01go --------> S01-007
    >> 02gk --------> T02-029
    > Do you have the "SCP" names for these? (Things like S01-017 and what
    > not.)
    > -Rob

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