Re: Ground Lightcurves (was Re: Gabriele's paper)

From: Michael Wood-Vasey (
Date: Wed Aug 25 2004 - 17:40:41 PDT

  • Next message: Gabriele Garavini: "Re: Ground Lightcurves (was Re: Gabriele's paper)"

    Dear Rob,

    Here's my contribution:

    deep=> select scpname, iauname from candidates where iauname in
      scpname | iauname
      S01-054 | 2001ha
      S01-065 | 2001hc
      S01-017 | 2001gr
      S01-036 | 2001gy
      S01-007 | 2001go
      S01-005 | 2001gm
      S01-033 | 2001gw
    (7 rows)

    Whenever supernovae are submitted to the IAU and given IAU names, the
    person who submits the IAUC should carry through that responsibility to
    ensure that the 'candidate' table in the database is updated. Not
    necessarily that they should run the SQL command, but they at least can
    use SNTrak.

      - Michael

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