
From: clidman (
Date: Wed Jul 16 2003 - 19:43:52 PDT

  • Next message: clidman: "EW paper"

    Dear Colleagues,
       At the SCP meeting in Stockholm, we decided that we would try
    to change the way papers were internally reviewed. The idea is to include
    more people at an earlier stage of the review process and to assign to one
    member of the collaboration the task of co-ordinating discussion and work on the

       I have been given the task of co-ordinating the discussion on Gaston's paper
    titled "Spectroscopic homogeneity of type Ia SNe measured though
    equivalent widths"

      Gaston and I have chosen you as people we would like to involve. It is purely
    voluntary. If you think other people should be involved, please feel free to include

      I would like to start the process of reviewing Gaston's paper and I would like
    to invite you to attend a teleconference that is scheduled for July 21st 9am
    Pacific Time and 6pm Central European Time.

      The purpose of the first teleconference is for you to ask questions directly to Gaston
    about the paper.

       To help with the discussion, Gaston has set up a web page with a history of the drafts
    that have been submitted thus far. The web page includes extensive comments by Andy.

    Also, Tony has set up an e-mail archive - - which I
    encourage you to use. All e-mail can be accessed through the web page

    Cheers, Chris.

    This archive was generated by hypermail 2.1.4 : Wed Jul 16 2003 - 18:43:48 PDT