Bug in snmin02

From: Don Groom (deg@lbl.gov)
Date: Tue Aug 17 2004 - 13:35:35 PDT

  • Next message: Don Groom: "Re: Bug in snmin02"

    Some time ago, Gerson told me about an snmin02 problem: If the number of
    counts in the first line of a Hamuy-style data file were negative, the
    line would be dropped.

    The incorrect lines in read_hamuy.pro are:

    regnamez= '^[[:space:]]*([a-z0-9\.]+)[[:space:]]+z=[[:space:]]*([0-9\.]+)'
    regjcdcmdm='^[[:space:]]*([0-9\.]+)[[:space:]]+([0-9\.]+)[[:space:]]+' + $

    So please repair these lines to accept negative counts in your version of
    the code. Ha ha.

    Alternatives are to replace your version of read_hamuy.pro with the
    version attached to this email, or to copy the corrected version from the
    master version at /home/sierra1/deg/idl/SCPfits02 . Sorry that these
    files haven't yet been nationalized into SCP space.

    The error affects ONLY NOCOV=YES files with negative early points or
    negative data points in reference images. The latter must occur 50% of the

    If "foreign" data arrives as magnitudes rather than counts, the negative
    points have already been discarded, in which case the fits are biased

    Thanks to Alex Conley for finding/repairing the regular expressions.


    Don Groom (Particle Data Group, Supernova Cosmology Project)
    DEGroom(at)lbl(dot)gov www-ccd.lbl.gov 510/486-6788 FAX: 510/486-4799
    Analog: 50R6008//1 Cyclotron Road//Berkeley Lab//Berkeley, CA 94720-8166

    ---------- Forwarded message ----------
    Date: Tue, 17 Aug 2004 10:32:35 -0700
    From: Alex Conley <AJConley@lbl.gov>
    To: DEGroom@lbl.gov, Gerson Goldhaber <G_Goldhaber@lbl.gov>
    Subject: Re: read_hamuy

    Yup, my fault. The regular expression doesn't know about
    negative numbers. Attached is a version of read_hamuy
    which shouldn't have this problem.

    ; read_hamuy
    ; Generates roblight style lightcurves from input files
    ; st = read_hamuy(filename,filter)
    ; filename -- the name of the file to be read in (full path)
    ; The name of the new lightcurve file, or '' if something went wrong
    ; A file is written in SN_hamuy/
    ; deg -- written
    ; 2002/07/30 aconley -- Default behaviour changed. It is no longer
    ; quite so gerson specific, and relys on the
    ; calling program to figure out the input
    ; filename.

    function read_hamuy,filename

    outdir = 'SN_hamuy/'

    filter = 'B' ;;;Default, possibly changed later

    if keyword_set(directory) then begin
        if strmid(directory,strlen(directory)-1) ne '/' then $
          directory = directory + '/'
        filein = directory + filename
    endif else filein = filename

    ;;Use the input filename to figure out the output one
    ;; This will be the input filename with .dat on the end and the path
    ;; of outdir
    slashpos = rstrpos(filename,'/')
    if slashpos ne -1 then begin
        fileout = strmid(filename,slashpos+1)
    endif else fileout = filename
    fileout = outdir + fileout + '.dat'

    find = findfile(filein,c=nf)
    if nf ne 1 then begin
       print,' read_hamuy: ',filein,' not found, Stopping'

    line = ' '
    sn_file = ' '

    ;;Now read in the input file using regular expressions
    ;; First define the possibilities:

    ;;Name z= redshift
    regnamez = '^[[:space:]]*([a-z0-9\.]+)[[:space:]]+z=[[:space:]]*([0-9\.\-]+)'
    ;;deltam 15= error= stretch=
    regdm15ddm15s = '^[[:space:]]*deltam[[:space:]]{0,1}15=[[:space:]]*' + $
      '([0-9\.]+)[[:space:]]+error=[[:space:]]*([0-9\.]+)[[:space:]]*' + $
    ;; jday filt_counts dfilt_counts filt dfilt (strings)
    regstrng = '^[[:space:]]*jday[[:space:]]+([a-z])[[:space:]]cts[[:space:]]+' + $
    ;; jday cnts dcnts mag dmag (numbers all)
    regjcdcmdm = '^[[:space:]]*([0-9\.]+)[[:space:]]+([0-9\.\-]+)[[:space:]]+' + $

    jday = [0.0d]
    counts = [0.0d]
    dcounts = [0.0d]
    mags = [0.0d]
    dmags = [0.0d]

    while not eof(unit) do begin
        ;;Test the possiblilties
        res1 = stregex(line,regnamez,/EXTRACT,/FOLD_CASE,/SUBEXP)
        res2 = stregex(line,regdm15ddm15s,/EXTRACT,/FOLD_CASE,/SUBEXP)
        res3 = stregex(line,regstrng,/EXTRACT,/FOLD_CASE,/SUBEXP)
        res4 = stregex(line,regjcdcmdm,/EXTRACT,/FOLD_CASE,/SUBEXP)
        if res1[0] ne '' then begin
            ;;Line is name z=
            sn_file = res1[1]
            z = float(res1[2])
        endif else if res2[0] ne '' then begin
            ;;Line is dm15 ddm15 stretch
            dm15 = float(res2[1])
            ddm15 = float(res2[2])
            stretch = float(res2[3])
        endif else if res3[0] ne '' then begin
            ;;Line is jday counts dcounts mag dmag (as string)
            ;; Use this to figure out filter type
            filter = res3[1]
        endif else if res4[0] ne '' then begin
            ;;Line is actual lightcurve numbers
            jday = [jday,double(res4[1])]
            counts = [counts,double(res4[2])]
            dcounts = [dcounts,double(res4[3])]
            mags = [mags,double(res4[4])]
            dmags = [dmags,double(res4[5])]



    if n_elements(jday) eq 1 then begin
        print,"Error -- no lightcurve data points found in file ",filein

    ;;Strip off of the spurious first entries from jday, counts, etc.
    jday = jday[1:*]
    counts = counts[1:*]
    dcounts = dcounts[1:*]
    mags = mags[1:*]
    dmags= dmags[1:*]

    npts = n_elements(jday)

    countmax = max(counts,wcountmax)
    zeropoint = mags[wcountmax] + 2.5*alog10(countmax) ;;At maximum

    dmag = 0.05 ;;Assumed error in zeropoint

    ;;Actually write the output file
    printf,unit,'date of write: ',systime()
    printf,unit,'date source: ',filein
    printf,unit,'no reference galaxy counts, this is a hamuy file'
    printf,unit,'zeropoint: ',zeropoint,dmag,f='(a11,2f13.3)'
    printf,unit,'datapoints: ',npts,f='(a14,i10)'
    printf,unit,' jd counts dcounts nr filename'

    ;;Print data points
    for j = 0,npts-1 do begin
        printf,unit,jday[j],counts[j],dcounts[j],' n ',filein, $

    ;;Print fake correlation matrix
    InvCorrMat = dblarr(npts,npts)
    ;;Set diagonal to 1/dcounts^2
    InvCorrMat[indgen(npts),indgen(npts)] = 1.0 / dcounts^2




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