From: Don Groom (
Date: Tue Aug 17 2004 - 13:35:35 PDT
Some time ago, Gerson told me about an snmin02 problem: If the number of
counts in the first line of a Hamuy-style data file were negative, the
line would be dropped.
The incorrect lines in are:
regnamez= '^[[:space:]]*([a-z0-9\.]+)[[:space:]]+z=[[:space:]]*([0-9\.]+)'
regjcdcmdm='^[[:space:]]*([0-9\.]+)[[:space:]]+([0-9\.]+)[[:space:]]+' + $
So please repair these lines to accept negative counts in your version of
the code. Ha ha.
Alternatives are to replace your version of with the
version attached to this email, or to copy the corrected version from the
master version at /home/sierra1/deg/idl/SCPfits02 . Sorry that these
files haven't yet been nationalized into SCP space.
The error affects ONLY NOCOV=YES files with negative early points or
negative data points in reference images. The latter must occur 50% of the
If "foreign" data arrives as magnitudes rather than counts, the negative
points have already been discarded, in which case the fits are biased
Thanks to Alex Conley for finding/repairing the regular expressions.
Don Groom (Particle Data Group, Supernova Cosmology Project)
DEGroom(at)lbl(dot)gov 510/486-6788 FAX: 510/486-4799
Analog: 50R6008//1 Cyclotron Road//Berkeley Lab//Berkeley, CA 94720-8166
---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Tue, 17 Aug 2004 10:32:35 -0700
From: Alex Conley <>
To:, Gerson Goldhaber <>
Subject: Re: read_hamuy
Yup, my fault. The regular expression doesn't know about
negative numbers. Attached is a version of read_hamuy
which shouldn't have this problem.
; read_hamuy
; Generates roblight style lightcurves from input files
; st = read_hamuy(filename,filter)
; filename -- the name of the file to be read in (full path)
; The name of the new lightcurve file, or '' if something went wrong
; A file is written in SN_hamuy/
; deg -- written
; 2002/07/30 aconley -- Default behaviour changed. It is no longer
; quite so gerson specific, and relys on the
; calling program to figure out the input
; filename.
function read_hamuy,filename
outdir = 'SN_hamuy/'
filter = 'B' ;;;Default, possibly changed later
if keyword_set(directory) then begin
if strmid(directory,strlen(directory)-1) ne '/' then $
directory = directory + '/'
filein = directory + filename
endif else filein = filename
;;Use the input filename to figure out the output one
;; This will be the input filename with .dat on the end and the path
;; of outdir
slashpos = rstrpos(filename,'/')
if slashpos ne -1 then begin
fileout = strmid(filename,slashpos+1)
endif else fileout = filename
fileout = outdir + fileout + '.dat'
find = findfile(filein,c=nf)
if nf ne 1 then begin
print,' read_hamuy: ',filein,' not found, Stopping'
line = ' '
sn_file = ' '
;;Now read in the input file using regular expressions
;; First define the possibilities:
;;Name z= redshift
regnamez = '^[[:space:]]*([a-z0-9\.]+)[[:space:]]+z=[[:space:]]*([0-9\.\-]+)'
;;deltam 15= error= stretch=
regdm15ddm15s = '^[[:space:]]*deltam[[:space:]]{0,1}15=[[:space:]]*' + $
'([0-9\.]+)[[:space:]]+error=[[:space:]]*([0-9\.]+)[[:space:]]*' + $
;; jday filt_counts dfilt_counts filt dfilt (strings)
regstrng = '^[[:space:]]*jday[[:space:]]+([a-z])[[:space:]]cts[[:space:]]+' + $
;; jday cnts dcnts mag dmag (numbers all)
regjcdcmdm = '^[[:space:]]*([0-9\.]+)[[:space:]]+([0-9\.\-]+)[[:space:]]+' + $
jday = [0.0d]
counts = [0.0d]
dcounts = [0.0d]
mags = [0.0d]
dmags = [0.0d]
while not eof(unit) do begin
;;Test the possiblilties
res1 = stregex(line,regnamez,/EXTRACT,/FOLD_CASE,/SUBEXP)
res2 = stregex(line,regdm15ddm15s,/EXTRACT,/FOLD_CASE,/SUBEXP)
res3 = stregex(line,regstrng,/EXTRACT,/FOLD_CASE,/SUBEXP)
res4 = stregex(line,regjcdcmdm,/EXTRACT,/FOLD_CASE,/SUBEXP)
if res1[0] ne '' then begin
;;Line is name z=
sn_file = res1[1]
z = float(res1[2])
endif else if res2[0] ne '' then begin
;;Line is dm15 ddm15 stretch
dm15 = float(res2[1])
ddm15 = float(res2[2])
stretch = float(res2[3])
endif else if res3[0] ne '' then begin
;;Line is jday counts dcounts mag dmag (as string)
;; Use this to figure out filter type
filter = res3[1]
endif else if res4[0] ne '' then begin
;;Line is actual lightcurve numbers
jday = [jday,double(res4[1])]
counts = [counts,double(res4[2])]
dcounts = [dcounts,double(res4[3])]
mags = [mags,double(res4[4])]
dmags = [dmags,double(res4[5])]
if n_elements(jday) eq 1 then begin
print,"Error -- no lightcurve data points found in file ",filein
;;Strip off of the spurious first entries from jday, counts, etc.
jday = jday[1:*]
counts = counts[1:*]
dcounts = dcounts[1:*]
mags = mags[1:*]
dmags= dmags[1:*]
npts = n_elements(jday)
countmax = max(counts,wcountmax)
zeropoint = mags[wcountmax] + 2.5*alog10(countmax) ;;At maximum
dmag = 0.05 ;;Assumed error in zeropoint
;;Actually write the output file
printf,unit,'date of write: ',systime()
printf,unit,'date source: ',filein
printf,unit,'no reference galaxy counts, this is a hamuy file'
printf,unit,'zeropoint: ',zeropoint,dmag,f='(a11,2f13.3)'
printf,unit,'datapoints: ',npts,f='(a14,i10)'
printf,unit,' jd counts dcounts nr filename'
;;Print data points
for j = 0,npts-1 do begin
printf,unit,jday[j],counts[j],dcounts[j],' n ',filein, $
;;Print fake correlation matrix
InvCorrMat = dblarr(npts,npts)
;;Set diagonal to 1/dcounts^2
InvCorrMat[indgen(npts),indgen(npts)] = 1.0 / dcounts^2
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