Re: Bias of our low-extinction method

From: Greg Aldering (
Date: Fri May 23 2003 - 09:33:17 PDT

  • Next message: Robert A. Knop Jr.: "Re: Bias of our low-extinction method"

    On Fri, 23 May 2003, Robert A. Knop Jr. wrote:

    > On Thu, May 22, 2003 at 06:20:20PM -0700, Greg Aldering wrote:
    > > I also added a too-faint cut, requiring that SN not be fainter than N
    > > times its magnitude uncertainty (including an intrinsic error of
    > > 0.17). In Rob's last fits, all the residuals were within 3-sigma for
    > > the low-extinction subset, even though no cut on deviation was
    > > applied.
    > In fact, there was one that was too faint -- 9733, which got thrown out
    > from the main set. It's a 6-sigma outlier to the faint side from the
    > primary (non-extinction-corrected) fit.
    > > Thus, my cut considers the likelihood that if there were a
    > > significantly dim outlier we might have chosed to reject it even
    > > without a well-measured color to prove that it is reddened.
    >, in this case, we may well have, although we don't have the data
    > to show that 9733 is faint just because it's reddened.

    Yes, 9733 is exactly the case I had in mind. Also, Saul and I noted that
    in P99 there was a fit done in which two outliers just slightly worse
    than 2-sigma - one too bright and the other too faint - were excluded.
    That is what motivated me to run a simulation with a 2-sigma cut on
    the (corrected) brightness.
    > > I find that our method does have a bias, but that the bias is small
    > > compared to our other systematics. However, it might not be small
    > > relative to the Riess prior (that has to be checked).
    > The bias with the Riess prior is complicated, of course, since colors
    > which are divergent simply because of measurement errors get modified.
    > This bias tends to operate in the *other* direction from the lowe bias,
    > assuming that the high-redshift supernoave have worse E(B-V) error bars
    > than do the low-redshift supernoave (i.e. high-redshift supernovae get
    > made brighter on the average, since all negative E(B-V) values get
    > suppressed to zero but positive E(B-V) values are still allowed to be
    > corrected for, albeit at a reduced level).
    > > Here is what I get:
    > >
    > > N-sigma <A_B> <A_B> Bias
    > > dim cut low-z high-z low-high
    > > -------------------------------------
    > > 2.0 0.068 0.081 0.013
    > > 2.5 0.075 0.094 0.019
    > > 3.0 0.080 0.104 0.024
    > Was this using the distribution E(B-V) error bars from the full
    > high-redshift set?

    Yes, I used everything in your "Gerson table" of May 18th (the last
    one you circulated). Note that I only use the error bars on the color
    and the magnitude as being representative for purposes of the Monte
    Carlo simulation. Do you see a problem with that approach?
    - Greg

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