New draft of Rob's paper/call today

From: Tony Spadafora (
Date: Thu Mar 13 2003 - 09:52:09 PST

  • Next message: Greg Aldering: "old SNMINUIT fits"

    Rob has a new draft - see below:

    SCP call today:
    Thurs Mar 13: 12:00 PST/14:00 CST/20:00 UK/21:00 Europe. (Est. 2 hrs. )

    To Attend:Local Call: 510-486-5008; Call toll free: 1-877-252-5250
    Internal Users: 5008. Then press 1 and enter 2316# and follow the
    Meeting ID: 2316; Calling Sites: 13

    LBL group - we will meet in the INPA room.

    Tentative Agenda -
    1. replicating the cosmology fits

    2. What comparisons with Riess 98 data do we want to include? effect of
    their prior?

    3. Contours with extinction correction now look like they will be bigger
    than previously thought (ie. bigger than poster) - how do we want to
    present this?

    -------- Original Message --------
    Subject: New HST draft
    Date: Thu, 13 Mar 2003 01:10:56 -0600
    From: "Robert A. Knop Jr." <>

    Oof. It's there. I've put PS and PDF files on my HST update data page

    Note that there's an awful lot else on that page which tries to address
    some of the questions asked before, and it represents several extremely
    long days (together with this draft)....

    Below are some notes of changes and issues on this draft that I wrote
    down as I was doing it. It's not complete, but it may give you some
    idea what's up.

    Hear y'all tomorrow. Or today, really.


    In addition to lots of diddily stuff:

    * Rewrote abstract

    * HOpefully a few more details on HST fitting procedure and those

    * Rewrote the BS justifying my 0-offset fit. Nobodoy's going to like
      it, I predict.

    * Soften color language slightly, make the non-E(B-V) fits the primary

    * Andy or somebody: check my statement about Ia confirmation status in
      section "WFPC2 Photometry"

    * New Hubble Diagram

    * Subsets section

    * Lots and Lots of refitting (see web page), and text rewritten to go
      with it.

    * Fig 8 is useful, but I need to find a completely different way to plot
      it. Comparing fig7 and fig 8 without thinking makes it seem that
      adding the high-z data helps a LOT. Of course, the dashed contours
      mean completely different things in each case, and in reality adding
      the high-z data means almost NOTHING. But a quick by-eye comparison
      might lead somebody to that conclusion, and we want to avoid that.
      (Not only is it wrong, it hurts us. Call it enlightened

    * No systematics section, still. That needs to get written based on a
      combination of the stuff I've put on my HST Data page and which other
      people are working on.

    --Prof. Robert Knop
      Department of Physics & Astronomy, Vanderbilt University

    -- Tony Spadafora Physics Division Tel: (510) 495-2316 Lawrence Berkeley National Lab FAX: (510) 486-6738 1 Cyclotron Road BLDG 50R5032 Berkeley, CA 94720-8160

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