Re: Gemini nod & shuffle / priorities

From: Isobel Hook (
Date: Fri Nov 01 2002 - 19:58:29 PST

  • Next message: Greg Aldering: "Re: Gemini nod & shuffle / priorities"

    Hi Greg,

    Thanks for the comments.

    It may be difficult to be specific about what conditions we want on which
    nights (although we can certainly make our preferences known informally,
    but there is no formal way to do that in the queue). We can certainly
    specify different conditions for brighter and fainter targets though.

    Re Nodd & Shuffle - we will observe the source in both nod positions so
    the overhead is not much larger than if you offset along the slit between
    exposures in the conventional way. The difference is that we will nod much
    more frequently and will not read out the detector in between nids - the
    more frequent nodding is what adds the 25% overhead.

    So, given your comments plus Rob's point about probably not having targets
    much before 5th anyway, I suggest we prepare a mix of really faint and
    not-so-faint targets. For the faint ones we'll specify better IQ (~0.6?)
    with nod & shuffle and for the not-so-faint ones 0.8" with no nod &
    shuffle. Then we can mention that we'd like to be observing on 8th if
    possible. (do we want to hold back some time for that night? It is
    possible that we could have used all our 10.3 hrs before that if things go


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