S02-075 GMOS spectrum

From: Isobel Hook (ihook@gemini.edu)
Date: Thu Jun 13 2002 - 10:52:20 PDT

Hi all,
 I have now finally managed to reduce the GMOS spectrum of S02-075. (it
took a while as I'm traveling at the moment, using unfamiliar computers
etc). The spectrum looks similar to the VLT one, i.e. quite noisy but
clearly red. There are no obvious lines to get a redshift unfortunately.

You can find it at http://ftp.gemini.edu/staff/ihook/SN/
ces02_075comb.asc - ascii file
ces02_075comb.ps - plot from IRAF (I dont have my idl
                    plotting program handy)


P.S. Andy, if you haven't already could you please make sure you grab the
various spectra on this gemini web page and put them on the SCP page,
since I'm not sure how long they will stay there. Thanks.

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