Redshift of S02-075 & missing attachment about photo-z's

From: Saul Perlmutter (
Date: Mon May 20 2002 - 11:53:32 PDT

  • Next message: Alex Conley: "finding chart S02-075"

    First, for Chris: S02-075 was discovered around I_Cousins = 23.2. Its host galaxy's
    photometric redshift puts it around z = 0.7 (see the next paragraph "for Everybody"). Given
    this redshift -- and the fact that it appeared as a 200% increase over the reference image (so
    there was probably no SN in the reference image) -- it is reasonably likely to have been on the
    rise. This would mean that tonight it could be near peak at 22.9 (but of course there is a fair
    amount of slop in these estimates).

    Second, for Everybody,
        At the end of the night when we sent in the HST target choices, I sent out the message with
    the plan, but I see that I didn't attach the original message about photometric redshifts from
    Mamoru that I meant to. I'm trying again here. Read the final parts of it (after the P.S.) too,
    because that's where the detailed table is given, including the different versions of the redshift
    estimates and the "bulge-to-total ratio" color estimate of galaxy type. wrote:

    > Dear All,
    > No targets were observed last night. Tomorrow is our last chance; however, the moon starts
    > to become a problem for some targets. What was the discovery magnitude for S02-075?
    > If it is fainter than 23.5, it may be at a high enough redshift that observations with the
    > 300I grism may be worthwhile.
    > Cheers, Chris.

    Subject: Fwd: Re: photo-z
    Date: Wed, 15 May 2002 18:21:33 +0900
    From: Mamoru Doi <>
    To: saul Perlmutter <>
    CC: naoki Yasuda <>


    The most recommended target from SDF is the host of SDF5 has
    photo-z=0.70, B/T=0.90.


    Hisanori Furusawa, who has just finished his ph.D. with photo-z
    gave us the result of photo-z.

    The colors of SDF candidates are
    >#name band B V R i z nb711 flag
    >D_sdf1 i' 35138 24.4903 23.2006 99.9999 21.8233 21.4291 22.1088 16
    >D_sdf2 i' 78226 25.1806 23.6844 22.7320 21.6470 21.0453 22.4061 2
    >D_sdf3 i' 92653 21.3863 21.1778 21.1899 21.2814 21.4053 21.2360 0
    >B_sdf4 B 159655 24.5964 24.0903 23.7058 23.8855 23.7433 22.5629 3
    >B_sdf4sub i' 135612 22.5601 21.9826 21.6950 21.7308 21.4347 18.6504 51
    >B_sdf5 i' 190851 26.5405 25.6598 24.7438 23.9961 23.7155 24.6194 0
    (SDF4 is consisted of two objects.)

    He used four kinds of templates. He believes that
    template 3.and 4. more more reliable, since we don't have
    NIR data to discriminate Ly. break and Bal. break.

    > template weight
    >1. z=0.0-8.0 equal weight
    >2. z=0.0-8.0 10% flux error
    >3. z=0.0-2.3 equal weight
    >4. z=0.0-2.3 10% flux error

    The following are the results.
    The hosts of SDF2 and SDF5 have z=0.7-0.8, with
    elliptical like SED.
    "photo-z" indicates the estimated redshift.
    Another useful information is the bulge-total ratio
    (from SED) which is written just after "bt".
    bt=1.0 means completely old system.
    SDF2 and SDF5 both have bt=B/T=0.9.

    If we allow z=0.7, we can try SDF5. This one could be
    followed with FOCAS in the middle of June.

    I have a small discussion with a student for 30min.
    If you can call me in 40min later, it is very convenient
    for me.

    PS. I could not catch Yoichi Ohyama.

    ># name bestfit sed lyman photo-z chi^2
    >D_sdf1 sp_t5.0tin5.0bt0.70_1.0.red0.40 1.0 0.40 8.894e-15
    > sp_t5.0tin5.0bt0.70_1.0.red0.40 1.0 0.40 1.389e-03
    > sp_t5.0tin5.0bt0.70_1.0.red0.40 1.0 0.40 8.894e-15
    > sp_t5.0tin5.0bt0.70_1.0.red0.40 1.0 0.40 1.389e-03
    >D_sdf2 sp_t5.0tin5.0bt0.90_2.0.red0.20 1.0 0.75 2.026e-13
    > e23_1.0.red0.20 1.0 0.80 1.667e-01
    > sp_t5.0tin5.0bt0.90_2.0.red0.20 1.0 0.75 2.026e-13
    > e23_1.0.red0.20 1.0 0.80 1.667e-01
    >D_sdf3 disc_t5.0tin5.0_0.126.red0.10 1.0 0.40 3.008e-12
    > disc_t5.0tin5.0_0.126.red0.10 1.0 0.40 2.216e-02
    > disc_t5.0tin5.0_0.126.red0.10 1.0 0.40 3.008e-12
    > disc_t5.0tin5.0_0.126.red0.10 1.0 0.40 2.216e-02
    >B_sdf4 sp_t5.0tin5.0bt0.60_1.0.red0.00 0.5 3.50 4.732e-13
    > sp_t5.0tin5.0bt0.70_1.0.red0.00 0.5 3.45 4.503e-01
    > disc_t5.0tin5.0_1.259.red0.00 1.0 0.45 5.192e-13
    > disc_t5.0tin5.0_0.794.red0.10 1.0 0.45 4.959e-01
    >sdf4sb sp_t5.0tin5.0bt0.90_2.0.red0.00 1.0 3.35 1.980e-11
    > sp_t5.0tin5.0bt0.80_2.0.red0.10 0.5 3.25 3.284e-01
    > sp_t5.0tin5.0bt0.30_2.0.red0.00 1.0 0.15 2.371e-11
    > sp_t5.0tin5.0bt0.20_4.0.red0.00 1.0 0.15 4.243e-01
    >B_sdf5 sp_t5.0tin5.0bt0.90_1.0.red0.00 1.0 0.70 1.787e-14
    > sp_t5.0tin5.0bt0.90_1.0.red0.00 1.0 0.70 1.797e-01
    > sp_t5.0tin5.0bt0.90_1.0.red0.00 1.0 0.70 1.787e-14
    > sp_t5.0tin5.0bt0.90_1.0.red0.00 1.0 0.70 1.797e-01

    Mamoru Doi
    Institute of Astronomy
    School of Science
    Univ. of Tokyo
    voice +81-422-34-5084
    fax. +81-422-34-5041

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