From: Saul Perlmutter (
Date: Mon May 13 2002 - 07:03:58 PDT
Well, we really know how to make the last nights before the HST deadline
exciting, don't we! Zero time tonight with the dome open here in
Hawaii, at either the Keck or Gemini. So this is going to go down to
the wire (and that's if we're lucky).
For those of you who didn't follow the email with Isobel, we have been
trying to observe simultaneously at Keck and Gemini for the last two
nights and for tomorrow night. After that, Gemini has one more night on
its own before the HST deadline. Meanwhile, Chris has requested
permission for us to put more of our FORS2 time into FORS1 time so that
we can continue to try to observe at VLT right up to the HST deadline,
too (after which we will go back to FORS2 queue time, and perhaps finish
up spectra on whatever we still haven't observed particulary for the
CFHT rolling search candidates). The attached planning list is
therefore broken up into what we think we can observe at each telescope
(although of course we may end up trading these observations around).
The one hopeful element at the moment is that Chris reported seeing
emission lines for both the candidates he observed, C02-030/Troudux and
T02-015, that could place both of them around z ~ 0.8. However, we
haven't yet heard from Gabriele and Chris if they see any evidence for
supernovae in either of these candidates' spectra.
That system of clouds that has been sitting over us presumably has to
leave someday! It would just be nice if it did so very, very soon.
Gemini Keck
T02-029 21.3 Bright AGN?
T02-047 22.9
T02-028 22.9
T02-030 23.3
T02-055 23.9 Greg says don't pursue
MOST-OF-NIGHT CANDIDATES (In the "deep" field)
_____________________Magnitude 22.2 to 23.3___________________________
(* = no finding chart)
Gemini Keck VLT
C02-028/Prolix 22.2 13%
S02-058 22.5 85%
S02-074* 23.3 72%
S02-075* 23.2 200%
S02-084/SDFe1 23.0 638%
_____________________Magnitude 23.5 to 24.3 ___________________________
Gemini Keck VLT
T02-059 23.9 78%
C02-013/Isntix 24.0
T02-015 24.1 74%
S02-057 24.0 82%
C02-030/Troudux 23.8 54%
T02-053 24.02 17%
(22 mag host: AGN?)
S02-085/SDFe4 23.8 32%
C02-034/InTheMix 23.5 19% lower priority because bright host (low z?)
T02-058 24.2 35% lowest priority (Rob doesn't like it)
_____________________Magnitude 24.3 to 25.0____________________________
Gemini Keck VLT
C02-033/Philantropix 24.8 607%
S02-061 24.7 117%
S02-078 24.7 85%
C02-032/ItNeedAFix 25.0 -2800% flat for month
S02-070 24.6 122% [no HST]
S02-060 25.1 917% [no HST]
_______/SDFe8* 24.6 >1000% no visible host
S02-082/SDFe3 24.8 229%
S02-083/SDFe7 24.85 31%
S02-080* 24.75 10% lower priority
S02-071* 24.5 8% lower priority
S02-076* 24.7 5% lower priority
S02-079 24.4 6% lowest priority
Unassigned Candidates
These are all LBL magnitudes, so I'm not sure how much (0.5mag or more) to
subtract off these values:
S02-066 Ugluk 3 26.12LBL 5.59 16%
S02-069 2 25.43LBL 9.23 24% (unvetted)
S02-081 2 25.65LBL 7.65 30% (unvetted)
S02-065 Wormtongue 3 25.68LBL 8.31 10% "suspect"
The Bottom Of the Barrel
These first one is important to rule out or rule in because it is
in CFHT field (visible from VLT/ISAAC) and could be deep (especially the first
C02-023 14:00:39.1 +04:52:20.1 3 23.9 7.32 28% (yuckish)
S02-063 13:25:32.5 +27:22:14.0 3 26.13LBL 5.21 53% YUCK [not
that bad?]
S02-068 Bilbo 13:25:42.7 +27:21:09.9 2 26.20 4.88 38%
S02-056 13:22:16.4 +27:44:45.3 3 26.0LBL 4.91 1198%
S02-062 13:22:32.9 +27:43:21.6 3 24.28 4.29 121%
S02-059 Bombur 13:22:15.9 +27:24:28.6 3 26.4 4.99 12%
S02-072 SDF2 13:24:40.8 +27:22:15.5 3 24.32 0.00 0 (very
S02-073 SDF3 13:24:41.5 +27:24:56.7 3 23.75 0.00 0 (very
Currently candidates that are considered not worth spectrum:
C02-029 comix 23.1 15.29 15% weird lightcurve
C02-020 Dwalin 23.9 6.50 50% Nothing seen in French subtraction
C02-026 cand0015 24.1 6.77 25% Nothing seen in French subtraction
C02-025 24.4 5.26 40% Nothing seen in French subtraction
Completed spectrum observations:
name name2 RA2000 Dec2000 Prio Mag ApSig %INC
T02-037 Elindil 15:46:57.0 +08:12:36.6 8 22.3 8.8 46 z=0.49 Gemini
S02-064 13:24:06.3 +27:42:10.0 8 22.8 111.1 107 z=0.56?Gemini
C02-027 14:02:10.6 +04:52:14.5 4 23.0 16.25 15 done at Gemini
C02-031 23.7 18% z=0.53? VLT
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