Re: T02-015

From: Saul Perlmutter (
Date: Sun May 12 2002 - 22:48:12 PDT

  • Next message: "Re: T02-015"

    That sounds good, Chris. So far, the weather is still poor here, although Gemini has at least
    opened their dome and they are getting started with pointing, etc. The weather map looks like it
    could go either way, it could clear or not. Do you think it would be reasonable to send in that
    request for FORS2-->FORS1 flexibility without ruffling too many feathers?

    So both of the targets you have tried tonight have emission lines that might indicate z ~ 0.85-class
    redshifts? I assume that you can't tell yet if there is any evidence at all for supernova broad
    lines, since presumably you haven't yet been able to do anything beyond a quick look at the 2D
    spectrum. wrote:

    > Dear All,
    > After about 100 minutes of integration, I can just see a faint emission line at about
    > 7050 Angstroms. I will let this run for the full 120 minutes.
    > I have told Paranal not to do C02-013, as the airmass would have been 1.6 at the start of the
    > integration. We will save this one for another night.
    > How goes it on Hawaii. I have written the DDT application asking ESO to let us swap
    > time from FORS2 to FORS1. Let me know if you still want this to be sent.
    > Cheers, Chris.

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