Re: S02-002 with ISSAC

From: Ariel Goobar (
Date: Wed May 08 2002 - 13:31:29 PDT

  • Next message: "Re: Cross-telescope CFHT candidates"

    On Wed, 8 May 2002, Greg Aldering wrote:

    > How much ISSAC time remains? The possible uses of that time are as follows:
    Chris will give you a more accurate estimate but it must be close to
    20 hs as we got 25 hours in total.
    item 2) would suck up ~10-12 hours
    item 4) -"- ~1 hour /SN (we asked for time for two)
    item 3) would be comparable to 2) for each SN. I also know that
    Chris thinks we need to get OK from ESO if we were to do a final ref
    from last year, as this is one of the programs for which we were *not*
    given time for this spring.

    Thus items 1 + 2 + 4 seem doable. Chris will probably want to comment
    on this.

    > 1) continue S02-002
    > 2) observe a z ~ 1.2 SN in the 14h+05d if one is found there and not in SDF
    > 3) obtain final references for Boccherini, and possibly Satie
    > 4) observe a z ~ 0.5 SN
    > If S02-002 was discovered at max, then it is now about 10 days after
    > max, so it will start to fade quickly. If there is time to do item #2
    > and #3, as well as #1, then we should (re)start on S02-002 right away.
    > Otherwise, within one week we should know whether or not item #2 will
    > be implemented. If it is not, then we can restart on S02-002.

    > By the way, do we have a problem - is Gemini the only telescope that can
    > follow a z ~ 1.2 SN if it is in the SDF? Since there isn't NIRI time this
    > month, how are we going to observe this SN, since, as Ariel pointed out,
    > VLT can't observe it?

    What about NICMOS? Any chance we get to use it now?

    > - Greg

    Ariel Goobar (
    FYSIKUM, Stockholm University
    Stockholm Center for Physics, Astronomy & Biotechnology
    tel: +46 8 55378659

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