Re: Urgent topics: CFHT upcoming search nights & VLT followup

From: Robert A. Knop Jr. (
Date: Thu May 02 2002 - 18:16:36 PDT

  • Next message: Robert A. Knop Jr.: "Re: Urgent topics: CFHT upcoming search nights & VLT followup"

    > After our experience with the last search, I strongly argued for such
    > numbers at the group meeting today. It was very confusing talking to
    > both the Subaru and the CFHT teams about the supernovae they had found
    > and whether or not we had found them or whether or not they were
    > entered into SNTrak since neither team had a consistent numbering
    > system.

    If we do it, then, *please* choose a naming convention that will be
    utterly and completely unambiguously different from the C02-XXX naming
    scheme. What's more, anybody who refers to the XXX without the C02 must
    be summarily shot.

    What I want to avoid is confusion. The XXX part of the C02-XXX numbers
    will almost certainly not be the same as any other number assigned; once
    people start referring to things by different numbers that aren't
    immediately distinguishable, it just gets ugly.

    We have the ability to put all of the various names into the SCP
    database, so it will be searchable on that. My preference would be if
    the discovering team only gave each candidate *one* name or number,
    which then gets put into the "funname" field.


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