Re: Can you send the spectrum data for C02-006 to us...

From: Isobel Hook (
Date: Wed Apr 17 2002 - 06:53:48 PDT

  • Next message: Isobel Hook: "Re: Can you send the spectrum data for C02-006 to us..."

     I've put the ascii and fits file on the web page for C02-006.
    The fits file is in MEF format so it may be easier to use the ascii file.


    On Wed, 17 Apr 2002, Saul Perlmutter wrote:

    > I want Lifan to try fitting that to a larger suite of SNe spectra, to
    > see if there is a better match than that 92A template. (Especially,
    > if we are about to send this one to HST!)
    > He's working on smoothing that one you sent right now.

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