comments on Oct 12 manuscript

From: Greg Aldering (
Date: Sat Nov 06 2004 - 23:01:53 PST

  • Next message: Greg Aldering: "comments on Oct 12 manuscript"

    Hi Alex,

    Here are my comments on the main issues of the Oct 12 manuscript of the
    CMAGIC paper. Here I mostly focus on issues which might affect the blind
    analysis, reserving minor editorial commments for later. In the end, I
    did find a few things which you will want to look into before unblinding
    the analysis. The checks are easy, but one of the results might require

    * As you have noted in follow-up to my original query, there may be a
       in the scatter of the Bmax residual as the CMAG residual increases. As
       there is no clear reason for this, and the affect is weak, you may
       wish to note this in the text or caption. (Have you thought about
       whether bumps could play a role?)

    * You have confirmed my impression the the RMS scatter about the Hubble
       line is smaller at high redshift than at low redshift (by about
       This should be discussed. Again, I don't think it would affect the
       analysis since there is a plausible explaination for this effect. Any
       evidence that extinction+selection effects could be the cause should
       presented to the reader.

    * I had asked whether a Ib/c would follow the CMAGIC relation. I did
    not see
       your response to this question. If Beta for a Ib/c is different than
       a Ia, it might present an objective and self-consistent test for
       contamination in your sample. This could affect the sample
    membership, and
       thus the unblinded results.

    * Motivated by possible offsets seen between Hamuy, Riess and Jha in
       of Serena's early work, I had asked you to provide the mean residual
    (and error
       in the mean) for each subset. I also requested this be done for
    other sub-samples,
       such as SNe which are fit as V-->B, R-->B, or I-->B. I didn't see
    these mean residuals
       quoted. This might be an obvious place to mention the Knop/Barris

       As the mean residuals for the above subsets should be easy to
    calculate, I
       would like to see the values and their uncertainties before the
    blinding is
       taken off.

    * In the caption to Figure 4 I had asked for a test of the relative
       distributions for the low- and high-redshift samples. You quote the
       means, but it appears that you quote the RMS about the mean rather
    than the
       error in the mean.

       If my guess is correct, then the low redshift sample has a mean of
       0.045 +/- 0.028 and the high-redshift sample has a mean of -0.037 +/-
       The difference of 0.082 is significant at 2.3 sigma.

       Is the point at (B-V)max = -0.4 included? Does the difference remain
       it is excluded?

       If attributed to reddening, this difference implies an error of 0.34
    mag between
       high and low redshift for a Bmax fit without extinction correction.
       really could affect your results. If it doesn't, I'll be quite
       You may have to consider having a fit which excludes the very blue
       point as a way of demonstrating the bias or lack therefore.

       The (B-V)max distribution is tighter at high redshift. This likely
    ties in
       with the smaller Hubble-fit RMS at high-redshift, discussed above. It
    would be
       good to tie these pieces of evidence together.

    * For Figure 6 you provide a comparison of the means of the Beta
       <Beta> = 1.946 +/- 0.057 for low redshift and <Beta> = 1.966 +/- 0.094
       However, if these are errors in the mean I don't understand the
       The low-redshift sample has 8x as many objects, so for comparable Beta
       distribution functions the error in the mean for the low-redshift
       should be smaller by a factor of 2.8; instead it is only smaller by a
    factor of
       1.6. Alternatively if these are errors in the mean, the implied RMS
       is about 0.3 in Beta for the low-redshift sample, but in the caption
       Figure 2 you quote an RMS of 0.159 for the low-redshift sample.

       So, could you please clarify these values?

    * I asked whether prob(bump) is correlated with Beta. I didn't find the

    * In your tables you quote heliocentric redshifts. Do you correct these
    to the
       CMB frame when performing the fits? I didn't find any indication that
       was done although your analysis memo suggests it probably was done.
    This could
       affect several aspects of the analysis, so the text should be clear
       provide the proper citations).

    * Figure 2 has 44 low-z SNe and Figure 4 has 39 low-z SNe. I didn't
    catch the
       cause for the difference.

    - Greg

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