Re: Comments on Conley et al.

From: Alexander Conley (
Date: Tue Sep 07 2004 - 10:20:34 PDT

  • Next message: Alex Conley: "Greg's comments on my paper draft"

    Hello Mark,

       Thank you kindly for the comments.

    > In Fig. 9, errors corresponding to a peculiar velocity of 300 km/sec
    > are
    > displayed horizontally. In quadrature, scaled by the local Hubble
    > slope,
    > are they also included in the vertical errors? If not, perhaps this
    > should
    > be considered; it would help to dispel the false impression that the
    > lowest-z points contribute disproportionately to chi^2.

    I see your point. My first reaction was that the horizontal errors
    all of the information, but once you subtract off the best fit line
    that is
    no longer the case. I will consider modifying the plot.

    > ----------
    > From Fig. 10, one hopes to judge whether the stretch-luminosity
    > relationship
    > is systematically different for high-z and low-z SNe. However, since
    > the
    > chi^2 of the low-z points with respect to the solid line is obviously
    > unacceptable, one is led not to take seriously their displayed error
    > bars.
    > In turn this confounds the judgment.
    > Is this conundrum avoidable? Perhaps the following supplement to Fig.
    > 10
    > should be considered for inclusion: Start from the residuals and their
    > errors (relative to "Best Fit") from Fig. 9 (see above comment).
    > Modify
    > these residuals by backing out the stretch correction to each point
    > (but
    > retain the stretch-correction-related contribution to the error in the
    > plotted residual). Using these residuals and their errors, construct
    > the
    > analog to Fig. 10.

    What you are suggesting is essentially to do the plot the same way but
    add in the propagated stretch uncertainty. That is probably a
    thing to include because it does effectively go into the fit. I will
    make this

    One thing worth noting is that the error bars here don't include the
    error, which would make things look better. Maybe I should consider the
    inner error bar/outer error bar approach.

    > ----------
    > In Fig. 12, no errors are shown. Based on the points displayed there,
    > a
    > Pearson coefficient and two best-fit (slopes + errors) are quoted. Do
    > the
    > Pearson coefficient and best-fit slopes take into account the known
    > point-by-point errors, both in B_BV residual and B_max residual, that
    > could
    > have been displayed in Fig. 12?

    You must have a slightly older version of the paper. Version 1.27 does
    the error bars in plot 12.

    The fitted slope does include the error bars, the Pearson's
    coefficients do not.
    Is there a way to include them in the Pearson's coefficient
    meaningfully? I
    was under the impression that you couldn't include errors.

    However, the fitted slopes do not include any correlation information
    between B_BV0.6 and m_B. Inspired by your work, at the least I should
    try to include the peculiar velocity correlation in the fit.


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