Date: Wed Dec 08 2004 - 05:03:00 PST

  • Next message: Gabriele Garavini: "Re: NEW DRAFT OF THE PAPER ON SN 1999AC"

    Hi, Gabriele,

            I looked at the new figures you prepared comparing 99ac with 94d
    etc. I can not establish from these figures the huge velocity difference
    that you show in figure 10 and 11. For example, you claim that at +25
    the Si II line of 99ac has a velocity more than 3500 km/sec lower than
    that of 94D and 99aa (as shown in your figure 11). What I see in Figure
    7,8,9 are totally different and indicate that 99ac is not a low velocity
    event at all but rather similar to other well observed SNe.
            Are you sure you are comparing same features when you make
    Figures 10 and 11? If so, please also mark the features that you are
    plotting in Figure 10 and 11 on Figures 7,8, and 9. The lines are so
    heavily blended at late epochs one has to be very clear of what are



    On Wed, 8 Dec 2004, Gabriele Garavini wrote:

    > Dear Tony, Dear Rollin, Dear All,
    > I do think we can open the paper on 99ac to the collaboration, and
    > setting
    > the dead line to January the 8th seems reasonable. Also, I do know
    > there
    > will certainly be some English polishing steps before getting the
    > paper to
    > the journal but this might already start with the first reading Saul is
    > going to do on the paper next week.
    > I agree with Rollin when he says the paper is in the form is going to
    > be
    > for publication in terms of scientific content and presentation, and
    > that
    > not much is left to be added.
    > To clarify, I know for sure Weidong Li has a paper in preparation on
    > this
    > objects since I've been asking him questions about the extinction he
    > used
    > for obtaining the delta_m15 he reports in his paper on 02cx. BTW he
    > also
    > did not trust Labbe 2001 and used his own estimate which he did not
    > want
    > to share with me.
    > Phillips had a proceeding on this paper were he was saying a paper was
    > in
    > preparation. this is the only thing I know about his work on SN99ac.
    > You can find the new version of the paper (the same I sent in my
    > previouse
    > mail ) at :
    > thank you all.
    > Cheers
    > Gabriele

    Lifan Wang           (510) 495 2733 (o)

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