NEW DRAFT OF THE PAPER ON SN 1999AC (Modified by Tony Spadafora)

From: Gabriele Garavini (
Date: Fri Dec 03 2004 - 06:15:48 PST

  • Next message: "Re: NEW DRAFT OF THE PAPER ON SN 1999AC"

    Hi All,

    I have implemented all the changes we discussed about on the paper of
    SN99ac. The new draft includes 2 completely new sections, 7 new plots
    2 more tables. I think now the paper covers all the topics we wanted to
    include. Please find the new letter sized paper in the attachment. I
    personally like the paper much more now. Thank you all for your inputs.

    According to my experience I think the best way to proceed is to call
    a phone-conference in which we should review the draft. For me almost
    date is good but I suppose because of the AAS meeting next week we could
    schedule the meeting for let's say December the 15th. In this way I
    have some day before the holidays to implement your comments. I think
    step should only concern minor changes, English and presentation

    Tony could you please make sure the 15th works for everybody and set up
    the phone conference. Thank you very much.


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