Re: SN 1999ac comments.

From: Gabriele Garavini (
Date: Mon Jan 05 2004 - 08:01:53 PST

  • Next message: Rollin Thomas: "Re: SN 1999ac comments."

    Dear Peter

    of course I can put a draft version of the paper in my thesis, but I'd
    like it to be in an advance state since I'll have to defend it. Anyway I'm
    always looking forward useful discussions.


    On Mon, 5 Jan 2004, Peter Nugent wrote:

    > >
    > > Thank you very much. I hope we'll converge soon with this paper, I really
    > > need to finish my thesis. I have only one month to go.
    > >
    > Just a quick question before I send my comments in, what does having this
    > paper reviewed by us in a few days have anything to do with your thesis?
    > I'm sure you don't have to have an accepted paper in your thesis before
    > Stockholm gives you a degree. Likewise you can surely submit your thesis
    > and still work on this paper, correct?
    > I had 6 papers make up my thesis, 4 were accepted by the time I submitted
    > my thesis for review and 2 came out after I received my degree in slightly
    > revised forms. Won't that work there as well? I just don't want the paper
    > held under an arbitrary time gun, nor do I want to feel like I'm writing
    > your thesis for you.
    > Cheers,
    > Peter
    > __
    > Peter E. Nugent
    > Staff Computational Scientist - Scientific Computing Group - NERSC
    > Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
    > M.S. 50F-1650 - 1 Cyclotron Road - Berkeley, CA, 94720-8139
    > Phone:(510) 486-6942 - Fax:(510) 486-5812
    > E-mail: - Web:

    Gabriele Garavini (
    FYSIKUM-Stockholm University  Roslagstullsbacken 21 S-106 91 Stockholm SWEDEN
    Phone:+46 8 55378661   Fax:+46 8 553 78 601

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