Re: SN 1999ac comments.

From: Peter Nugent (
Date: Mon Jan 05 2004 - 07:51:11 PST

  • Next message: Gabriele Garavini: "Re: SN 1999ac comments."

    > Thank you very much. I hope we'll converge soon with this paper, I really
    > need to finish my thesis. I have only one month to go.

    Just a quick question before I send my comments in, what does having this
    paper reviewed by us in a few days have anything to do with your thesis?
    I'm sure you don't have to have an accepted paper in your thesis before
    Stockholm gives you a degree. Likewise you can surely submit your thesis
    and still work on this paper, correct?

    I had 6 papers make up my thesis, 4 were accepted by the time I submitted
    my thesis for review and 2 came out after I received my degree in slightly
    revised forms. Won't that work there as well? I just don't want the paper
    held under an arbitrary time gun, nor do I want to feel like I'm writing
    your thesis for you.



    Peter E. Nugent
    Staff Computational Scientist - Scientific Computing Group - NERSC
    Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
    M.S. 50F-1650 - 1 Cyclotron Road - Berkeley, CA, 94720-8139
    Phone:(510) 486-6942 - Fax:(510) 486-5812
    E-mail: - Web:

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