SN 1999ac comments.

From: Rollin Thomas (
Date: Wed Dec 31 2003 - 13:32:22 PST

  • Next message: Rollin Thomas: "The 1999ac paper."


    I have read your 1999ac draft and I have some comments that I hope
    will help you out. I will start by giving you an outline of what I
    think a paper like this ought to be like. It seems to me that you
    have to address three basic questions in this kind of paper.

    [1] Why is this SN important? I can see two things, maybe three.
    First of all, this set of spectroscopy adds to the growing set of
    those events with good time coverage, not just after maximum light
    but before maximum too. Second, this premaximum spectroscopy shows
    pretty convincing signs of C II, and the C II ejection velocities
    measured are roughly consistent with the unburned layers of W7.
    There is also (perhaps) evidence of C III at lower velocities. I am
    not completely convinced yet that the C III is there, and I have some
    suggestions below about how I might become convinced. I also have
    questions about the other spectra not fit, but I will defer them to
    below too. As far as where this SN fits on the spectroscopic sequence
    of SNe Ia, I think that's pretty secondary, and it should only be
    referred to in passing. This SN isn't super-peculiar enough for me to
    care about that. It's not a 2000cx or a 2002cx, it looks ``pretty
    normal'' to me. Perhaps Peter/Lifan disagree?

    [2] What previous work does this SN have relevance to? Well, it's
    pretty much contingent upon that really being C III there. If you
    have only C II above the W7 cutoff only, then you've got evidence in
    support of W7. But if you've got C III below that velocity, then
    you've got something supporting the 3D deflagration results with the
    ashes and fuel mixed at all ejection velocities. So if the result
    that this is C III is only circumstantial, then you can only suggest
    that 3D models are pretty good. If that is the case, then you need to
    address some of the diversity issues that David has brought up with
    respect to the 3D models. How do we reconcile the crenellated results
    from Khokhlov and Hillebrant with the required upper limit on
    asphericity? What new observations are needed to help us out here?
    I've suggested surveys of absolute depths of Si II features, or
    something similar that constrains covering factor. Perhaps these
    ideas should be developed further?

    [3] Implications for the future. Well, since these C II features are
    rather small (I always want to see the 7000-ish feature along with the
    Si II-imposed feature, too), you should estimate the required signal
    to noise for looking for C in the future. This has probably already
    been done by someone, but when it comes to this question I don't
    really know that I can say anything useful on the S/N side. 10? 100?
    A billion? This may be common knowledge to people but it's not a
    thing I carry around in my head. Also, internally for SN Factory,
    what triggers need to be in place to follow these kinds of events?
    And which of them should be followed spectropolarimetrically? That is
    the key to getting a handle on the explosion model with respect to 3D.

    In your presentation of the fits in section 3, I think you might want
    to restructure. Clearly you want to focus on C, and I set a bad
    example of this in 2000cx by only caring about three ions, but make
    each ion a separate paragraph, and end each paragraph by saying
    ``evidence for such-and-such is (definitive|probable|possible|
    inconclusive).'' This is the clearest way to do it. With each ion,
    you can address anything weird you had to do with the ion, like put
    it at some velocity where there is no evidence for other ions.

    Now about those other spectra after max. Why don't you do something
    with them? Isn't there at least one that might show evidence of the C
    II there? Maybe day +11, or +16, or +24? What was the rationale
    behind only paying attention to the early time? State it clearly I
    think, in the paper. Of course, I think you ought to look at these
    spectra with this kind of eye on C II and C III. You don't have to
    present it in the paper, but you might want to address it.

    And since you only analyze those first two spectra, (and I admit I am
    getting into this game pretty late), why do you need to present the
    others in this paper? To my mind, there ought to be a data paper that
    discusses reduction and presents the data all together, maybe with
    some preliminary line identifications, and then followup analysis
    papers. The reason I suggest this is that people can reference the
    first data paper later on, instead of an analysis paper, which kind of
    clouds the issue. This decision might have been made at the exec
    level, in which case I think we should make a case for this not being
    the procedure in the future. I understand the desire to have first
    crack at analysis; but look at the Lifan Wang/Dan Kasen combination on
    2001el. There, a data paper was presented and Dan held off on
    submission of his analysis to about the same time as the first one.
    There's no need to rush either the reduction or analysis, I feel, if
    good science is going to be done. Perhaps there are other

    About that figure of the ``radial composition.'' PLEASE BE CAREFUL. You
    are on thin ice with a plot like this I think. I realize that someone
    suggested that you do this for 1999aa, but I have to reiterate that
    you must make it unequivocally clear in the paper that this is *not* a
    definitive plot of the composition. The reason is because with
    Sobolev optical depths you really have no good sense of densities and
    temperatures without further analysis and without either doing full
    NLTE or LTE calculations at least. If you look carefully, for
    example, your optical depths for C II show C going all the way up to
    40000. This is misleading; the optical depth and e-folding velocities
    show that the optical depths goes practically to zero well before
    v_max, and if you were to move v_max down to 30000 kmps the difference
    between the two spectra would probably be minimal at most. So I say,
    remember the results of direct analysis: (1) line identifications and
    (2) constraining ejection velocities for various species. This is not
    the same as deriving a composition! :)

    With respect to the case for C III, I think it's hard to say from your
    paper whether or not it is there in the fits. Recall that before I
    left for vacation, I supported the idea of showing full fits to the
    spectrum turning one ion on and off. This is good because often those
    without a spectroscopic background will want to see what it does
    overall. So I suggest that when you are making a case for C III, you
    do one fit with solid lines, and another fit with dashed ones (the one
    without the C III could be the dashed one) and then you overplot them.
    This can get kind of busy, so I also advocate putting an inset plot
    which retains the aspect ratio of the larger diagram, but focuses on
    and enlarges the C III region of interest. The referee on my 2000cx
    paper complained about this, and it's pretty important that if you are
    making a claim for an ion to be there, you do everything you can to
    demonstrate it both to yourself and to the reader.

    Also, you might have noticed that David has begun to experiment with
    plotting wavelength axes in log space, and sometimes plotting weird
    combinations of flux and wavelength on the flux axis. Once you show
    plots of all the spectra in straight flux, it is perfectly okay (for
    the purposes of analysis) to flatten the spectrum out and rescale the
    wavelength axes in this way. Since we are asking our readers to
    evaluate the goodness of fit basically by eye, we need to make it easy
    for them to do so. By taking the log of the wavelength axis, we make
    the blue features and red features have the same intrinsic width (you
    can demonstrate to yourself that this kind of operation is kind of a
    plot in velocity space for a given feature). So if you have two lines
    that have identical optical depth profiles (regardless of what their
    parent ion is), they will have the same shape no matter what
    wavelength they have at rest. By plotting, say, lambda * f_lambda you
    flatten out the spectrum and bring up the red end of the spectrum.
    I think David goes even further. This reduces the flux contrast, and
    you know that we can't ever get the flux right, we can only hope to
    get the overall shapes of line profiles correct. This makes it easier
    to do plots where you fit rather shallow infrared features, like the
    Ca IR triplet.

    Finally, I'd like to suggest a more descriptive title for the paper.
    I'm not sure the C you refer to in the title qualifies as ``high
    velocity'' especially since the optical depths go below 0.01 before
    the v_max you set was reached. How about ``Direct Analysis of the
    Type Ia Supernova 1999ac before Maximum Light: Further Evidence for
    Carbon.'' This puts your work into context with the papers on 1990N,
    1998aq, 1999aa and doubtless the others which will come along as
    higher S/N spectra are obtained. And most importantly, it contains
    the phrase ``direct analysis.'' Some people in SCP are confused by
    this, but we will change that. :)

    Happy holidays,


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