- I was born in Minsk, Belarus, on May 6, 1973 (here is a Minsk webcam, if you are wondering what it looks like). I came to the US in 1993 as an undergraduate exchange student.
- I got my undergraduate degree from Kenyon College
in Gambier, OH, in 1995.
- My graduate work was done at the
University of California,
Santa Barbara, where I was very fortunate to have
Jeff Richman as my thesis
advisor. I was trained as an experimental particle physicist, working on the
BaBar experiment at
SLAC. My thesis topic
was rare electroweak decays of B mesons -- a possible road to discovering physics
beyond the Standard Model. I defended in the summer of 2001. My thesis is
available as a hard copy from the UCSB HEP group upon request.
- In the fall of 2001, I became a Lederman Fellow at
Fermilab, where I was part of
the CDF experiment.
My scientific interests included searching for new physics in top quark decays.
I was also heavily involved in public outreach and education.
Here is a
picture of me at the Girl's Scientific Salon at FNAL's Lederman Science Center
(we are making ice cream with liquid nitrogen).
- As a particle physicist searching for physics beyond the Standard Model,
I became very much interested in cosmology, a different and promising way
to discover something new about the Universe.
Since 2003, I have been doing experimental cosmology
as a member of the SNAP collaboration
and the Supernova Cosmology Project
at Berkeley Lab.
- In the fall of 2007, I will be joining the faculty of the Physics Department at Hamilton College in Clinton, NY (upstate New York).

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