LBL Mini-Workshop on Fundamental Theory and Dark Energy

Berkeley Lab
November 6, 2004
9-12:30 in Building 70, Room 191

Fundamental theory is confronted with observations of an accelerating expansion of the universe. The physics is unknown, possessing the characteristics of a strongly negative equation of state and spatial smoothness -- so called dark energy. By bringing together physicists working on fundamental theory with an audience attempting to measure the properties of the dark energy, we hope to challenge both groups to think of testable, benchmark models and what future dark energy experiments should be like.

Speakers include:

Since the meeting is on Saturday, there are no regular shuttle buses to Berkeley Lab. You either need to drive or take the SNAP collaboration meeting shuttle bus from the Durant Hotel, probably at 8:30am -- check for updates. If you plan to drive up, let me know so that your name will be on the list at the Blackberry Gate at the end of Hearst Ave. Parking will likely be near the cafeteria (building 54; see the parking map). Once through the gate continue along the road to the first roundabout, turn right, and at the next Y turn left, then right at the following one. The parking lot is after the switchback. Once parked, go down the stairs near the ATM. Enter building 70 through the double glass doors and room 191 is off the lobby to the right. There is wireless, and LCD and overhead projectors available. If you have any questions before the workshop, call me at 510 486 5568.

I'm looking forward to seeing all of you on Saturday, November 6.

-- Eric Linder