Greg Aldering's Homepage
I've just started this webpage, so it is very incomplete. It mostly contains
information that is useful to me, and provides a means for me to exchange
information with collaborators within the computer security constraints imposed
by DOE.
Summary of Research Interests:
My research is centered on cosmology, including measurement of the
cosmological parameters, the exploration of the nature of the "dark
energy" and the large-scale distribution of matter in the universe. My
current cosmological studies focus on the use Type Ia supernovae as
tools for determining the cosmological parameters, through my
participation in the
Supernova Cosmology Project.
I am also a co-investigator on the
SuperNova/Acceleration Probe.
In order to improve the calibration of supernovae, I have been deeply
involved in the recent, highly successful,
Spring 1999 Nearby Campaign,
and am now the Porject Leader for the forthcoming
Nearby Supernova Factory (SNfactory).
I am also co-PI on an NSF-sponsored project to analyze a large (100 sq.
deg.) survey for low-surface-brightness galaxies.
For a glimpse at my paper trail, take a look at my
curriculum vitae.
Papers, Reports, and Conference Proceedings:
Handy Links:
SNAP PSF meeting, April 18, 2000:
Searching for Type Ia SNe with HST, July 17, 2001:
Information for students:
Contact Information:
Greg Aldering
University of California
Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory
One Cyclotron Rd.
MS 50-232
Berkeley, CA 94720
Phone: (510) 495-2203
Fax: (510) 486-6250
Greg Aldering (
last updated Mar 20, 2000