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Color Figures for Slides from Perlmutter et al, LBNL-41801, 1998,ApJ


Figure 1: Hubble Diagram with 42 High-Redshift
Supernovae (Log Redshift scale). Postscript

Figure 7: Confidence Region on
Omega_Mass vs. Omega_Lambda Plane. Postscript

Figure 10: Confidence Region on
Omega_Mass vs. w Plane, for an additional
energy density characterized by an equation
of state w = p/rho. Postscript


Figure 2: Hubble Diagram with 42 High-
Redshift Supernovae (Linear Redshift scale),
with magnitude residuals from best fit
cosmology. Postscript

Figure 9: Age of the Universe Isochrones
superposed on Omega_Mass vs. Omega_Lambda Confidence Region. Postscript