Nearby SNe Light Curves

These plots show V band TEMPLATE light curves at the redshift of the candidate. The white points on the plots indicate nights when photometry was obtained in any filter (the true magnitude of that observation is NOT shown), and the open circles show when spectra were obtained (according to WhatsUp). The vertical grey line marks todays date. Click to view a larger image (showing which filters the candidate was observed in each day). See bottom of page for postscript links for theses curves.

Individual Light Curves

SN1999ao GIF, small GIF, PostScript
kait002 GIF, small GIF, PostScript
kait006 GIF, small GIF, PostScript
ms002 GIF, small GIF, PostScript
nb-109 GIF, small GIF, PostScript
nb-120 GIF, small GIF, PostScript
nb-187 GIF, small GIF, PostScript
nb-222 GIF, small GIF, PostScript
nb-224 GIF, small GIF, PostScript
nb-235 GIF, small GIF, PostScript
nb-240 GIF, small GIF, PostScript
nb-255 GIF, small GIF, PostScript
nr201.3.0 GIF, small GIF, PostScript
nr212.6.0 GIF, small GIF, PostScript
nr222.2.0 GIF, small GIF, PostScript
nr245.7.1 GIF, small GIF, PostScript
nr298.6.0 GIF, small GIF, PostScript
nr336 GIF, small GIF, PostScript
nr515.2.0 GIF, small GIF, PostScript

All Light Curves

PostScript (w/ filters)

UBVRI Light Curves

Thumnails, all colors

Images last updated Sat Jul 31 11:54:00 1999