How can we construct a nearby search to immediately get relatively nearby SNe to augment or replace the Hamuy SNe? Desirable redshifts: B --> V z ~ 0.25 --> m(R)peak ~ 21.0 V --> R z ~ 0.16 --> m(R)peak ~ 20.0 V --> V z ~ 0.10 --> m(R)peak ~ 19.0 N(SN) = (0.82 / 100 yr / 10^10 Lsun) ; rate from Pain et al * 15 days / 365 days/yr ; window for SNe w/ t < tmax (z depend) * (2 * 10^8 Lsun h Mpc^-3) ; luminosity density * 50 sq deg / (57.3 rad / deg)^2 ; solid angle * 1/3 * (c*zmax/100 h)^3 ; volume per unit solid angle For zmax = 0.25, this gives 2.1e6 Mpc^3 h^-3 * 6.7e-6 SNe Mpc^3 h = 14.3 h^-2 h = 0.7 --> 29 SNe @ z < 0.25 @ t < tmax over 50 sq deg. --> 0.586 / sq deg 29 SNe @ z < 0.16 @ t < tmax over 200 sq deg. --> 0.147 / sq deg 29 SNe @ z < 0.10 @ t < tmax over 800 sq deg. --> 0.037 / sq deg Peter and Saul have used our SNe Ia rates between 0.3 and 0.6 to estimate that the rate out to z = 0.1 should be ~ 0.02 SNe / sq deg. This is about 2x lower than the estimate used above. Mark Phillips estimates from his data that the rate out to z = 0.1 would be ~ 0.01 SNe / sq deg. So, there is a factor of 4 uncertainty in the local rates. Since the Pain et al rate is very uncertain, (by 75%), it seems safest to use a rate of ~ 0.02 SNe / sq deg out to z = 0.1. Follow-up resources: The follow-up time goes as the inverse square of the average source brightness, and therefore as the 4th power of the limiting distance! So, a search aiming for z ~ 0.25 requires 39 times as much time for equal quality follow-up as one aiming for z ~ 0.1. This is in the sky-limited case. A z ~ 0.25 search for SN Ia would be sky-limited, while a search to z ~ 0.1 might have about equal noise contributions from object and sky (except that sky will again dominate once the moon is up). A straight-forward calculation shows that for a volume-limited sample of standard candles, the mean follow-up time equals 3/7 of the time needed to observe the most distant object. L = standard candle luminosity r = distance rmax = limiting distance f = source flux at r = L/(4*pi*r^2) fmax = flux of source at rmax = L/(4*pi*rmax^2) t = exposure time tmax = exposure time for source a rmax t ~ f^-2 ~ r^4 tmax ~ fmax^-2 ~ rmax^4 = integral[0,rmax] (t * r^2 dr) / integral[0,rmax] (r^2 dr) = integral[0,rmax] (t/tmax * r^2 dr) / integral[0,rmax] (r^2 dr) = integral[0,rmax] (f^2/fmax^2 * r^2 dr) / integral[0,rmax] (r^2 dr) = integral[0,rmax] (r^4/rmax^4 * r^2 dr) / integral[0,rmax] (r^2 dr) = (1/7)*rmax^7/(rmax^4) /((1/3)*rmax^3) = 3/7