pi_title = Professor pi_first_name = Saul pi_mid_i = pi_name = Perlmutter pi_email = saul@lbl.gov pi_phonewk = 510-486-5203 pi_phonehm = pi_fax = (510) 486-6738 pi_address = Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory ;;MS 50R5032;;One Cyclotron Rd. Berkeley, CA 94720 allocating_inst = UC uc_pos = Faculty colaborator_names = Prof. Gerson Goldhaber;;Prof. Mark Strovink;;Dr. Greg Aldering;;Dr. Rahman Amanullah;;Kyle Barbary;;Dr. Kyle Dawson;;Josh Meyers;;David Rubin;;Dr. David Schlegel;;Dr. Anthony Spadafora;;Dr. Mark Sullivan;;Dr. Nao Suzuki colaborator_emails = g_goldhaber@lbl.gov;;MWStrovink@lbl.gov;;GAldering@lbl.gov;;rahman@physto.se;;kbarbary@berkeley.edu;;KDawson@lbl.gov;;jmeyers314@berkeley.edu;;rubind@berkeley.edu;;DJSchlegel@lbl.gov;;ALSpadafora@lbl.gov;;sullivan@astro.utoronto.ca;;NSuzuki@lbl.gov observer_names = Prof. Saul Perlmutter;;Dr. Rahman Amanullah;;Kyle Barbary;;Dr. Kyle Dawson;;Josh Meyers;;David Rubin;;Dr. David Schlegel;;Dr. Mark Sullivan;;Dr. Nao Suzuki observer_emails = saul@lbl.gov;;rahman@physto.se;;kbarbary@berkeley.edu;;KDawson@lbl.gov;;jmeyers314@berkeley.edu;;rubind@berkeley.edu;;DJSchlegel@lbl.gov;;sullivan@astro.utoronto.ca;;NSuzuki@lbl.gov obs_location1 = Waimea-HQ summit_request = We will have observers at Waimea-HQ for all runs, but will also request remote observing from UCB(LBNL) in eavesdropping mode. Remote observers will participate in the observing and run analysis pipelines. program_title = Cosmology with SNe Ia: the Second Generation program_summary = The current Type Ia supernova Hubble diagram and CMB observations argue for a flat universe with some form of dark energy. We propose to continue Keck spectroscopy to obtain the redshifts and types for a large sample of intermediate redshift SNe found by the Supernova Legacy Survey. Results from the survey first year, combined with third-year WMAP, provide the tightest published constraints on (constant) w. The full 5-year data set, when combined with well-measured nearby SNe, will provide the major improvement in the determination of dark energy parameters achievable in the coming years, achieving a ~5% measurement of w. first_app = N nights_requested = 4 nights_inaddition = instrument1 = LRIS-ADC instrument1_nights = 4 instrument2 = instrument2_nights = 1.0 instrument3 = instrument3_nights = 1.0 instrument4 = instrument4_nights = 1.0 INST1-LRIS-ADC1 = - INST1-LRIS-ADC2 = - INST1-LRIS-ADC3 = P INST1-LRIS-ADC4 = - INST1-LRIS-ADC5 = - INST1-LRIS-ADC6 = - INST1-LRIS-ADC7 = P INST1-LRIS-ADC8 = - INST1-LRIS-ADC9 = - INST1-LRIS-ADC10 = - INST1-LRIS-ADC11 = P INST1-LRIS-ADC12 = - INST1-LRIS-ADC13 = - INST1-LRIS-ADC14 = - INST1-LRIS-ADC15 = P INST1-LRIS-ADC16 = - INST1-LRIS-ADC17 = - INST1-LRIS-ADC18 = - INST1-LRIS-ADC19 = - INST1-LRIS-ADC20 = - INST1-LRIS-ADC21 = - INST1-LRIS-ADC22 = - INST1-LRIS-ADC23 = - INST1-LRIS-ADC24 = - INST1-LRIS-ADC25 = - targ_ra = 10h00m-14h18m with emphasis on the 14h18m 52d field targ_dec = +2d - +52d required_dates = None avoid_dates = None request_details = This program is sychronized with the CFHT-SNLS. We request dark time in 4 consecutive months (Feb-May). Please contact us prior to scheduling. instrument_requests = slitmask_requests = MAX_FILE_SIZE = 10000