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The filters

The filters supported by are:

Band Keyword start wavelength [Å] end wavelength [Å]
U /u 3000 4200
B /b 3600 5600
V /v 4700 7000
R /r 5500 9000
I /i 7000 9200
J /j 10010 14976.5
H /hb 14501.2 18481.2
K (short) /k 19000.6 23978.8

The U, B, V, R and I band filters are data files I got from Peter Nugent. The files used for J, H and K band are NOT the real filters but the simulated response of the ISAAC instrument at ESO's UT1, the first telescope of the VLT, with the particular filter. This data was retrieved from the ESO exposure time calculator at
Also, the K filter is not the full K filter but a short version of it.

Peter E. Nugent Jr.