How to make finding charts __________________________ Most recent author: Isobel 10/94 edited/updated slightly by Saul 10/12/94 10/25/94 Updated again by Isobel 10/23/95 Updated again by Isobel 01/05/97 Updated again by Isobel 02/13/97 Updated again by Isobel 03/09/97 Updated fchart program: This program can use either a candidate name, a candidate .nc file (the program makes a chart using the new image listed in that file, and the candidate position in that file) or you can supply the image and x,y position of the candidate on that image by hand (useful for making charts of host galaxies when the SN has faded). Run fchart_cand for a spectroscopy chart or finder_image for an imaging chart (no offset stars marked). An example using a candidate name is: IDL> fchart_cand,ncan=9617 An example using a .nc file is: IDL> fchart_cand, canfile='' The program will then ask various questions- [N.B. You can now give these parameters on the command line - see later] Supply object name : (this is filled in automatically if using the ncan option) : test Enter slit orientation : (Degrees from North to East/-1 for dispersion direction/-2 for Unknown) : -2 Opening file oct1094int67ebs.fts ****************************************************************** READING IMAGE etc.... Here's an example where you give the image & x,y by hand: IDL>fchart_cand Supply object name : : test Enter slit orientation : (Degrees from North to East/-1 for dispersion direction/-2 for Unknown) : -2 Enter image name : oct1094int67ebs.fts Enter x, y of object on that image : 813.112 716.440 Opening file oct1094int67ebs.fts ************************************ etc... Here's an example where you give parameters on the command line: IDL> fchart_cand,ncan=97132,ndeg=-2,spixnum=300,over=400 parameters are: ncan - candidate number ndeg - slit orientation (N through E in degrees) [-2 = unknown, -1 for paralactic angle] spixnum - size of small chart in pixels over - size of overview chart in arcsec Notes: - The spectroscopy charts are fine for imaging provided you make the overview chart big enough, and the WIYN observers actually prefer the spectroscopy charts to the imaging ones. - The program now produces a postscript file called in the directory from which you started IDL. - There will be a different .nc file for each candidate. The filenames come from the positions of the candidates (in decimal degrees) The candidate .nc files can be found in $DEEPHOME/database/candidates/ - The program asks for the slit orientation which you must enter by hand. This should be chosen by examining the "tile output" picture of the candidate SN with its host galaxy and choosing an orientation that lines the slit up with both the SN and the core of the host galaxy. - It also asks for sizes of the charts: Typical values for the chart are 200 pixels, and 400 for the overview chart. - Most telescopes can only find stars brighter than 17th mag or so. Therefore it is important to choose such stars as the reference and "APM" star. If necessary make the small chart bigger to include some such brighter reference/APM star. - It would be a good idea to check the chart against the original APM finding chart to make sure the orientation is correct, particularly for those with -ve declination, or ones where the center of the image has negative declination. - There is a new option to produce charts flipped E-W. You can produce the standard orientation (E to the left) and/or a flipped version. If you request both you will have to answer the questions about the size of the chart twice. _____________________________________________________________________ This program assumes that there is an APM finding chart and that it has already been matched to the images in the "reduce image" stage of analysis. Reynald knows how to make APM charts, so perhaps he could give a quick demo. Basically you write the coordinates into a file: eg center.posn and then type ~imh/deepsearch/fchart.csh center.posn at the unix prompt. A file called 'XXXX.X+XXX.fct' where the XXs are the position of the candidate, should appear in the directory 'outdir' which is set at the top of the file 'fchart.csh'. If you want to change 'outdir', then copy the file fchart.csh to your directory, edit it and run it from there. Next you need to fun fchart_plot (also from UNIX) >~imh/apm/fchart_plot The program will ask for a filename, and you give the '.fct' file you just made. Give the default answers to the other questions. For graphics device/type, answer eg. ''. You will get a postscript file called in the directory from which you are running the program. (You need to have the pgplot stuff set up- see earlier mail). That's it! P.P.S One of your fields, at -26 is not on POSS plates but on UKST plates. so the above wont work. I've already made an APM chart for it, in ~imh/apm/ __________________________________________ An alternative way to make finding charts: IDL> .run ~rpain/idlpro/guidestart IDL> .run ~rpain/idlpro/finder IDL> .run ~rpain/idlpro/hexdata IDL> guidestart,'1643+4632' where 1643+4632 is the last part of a file name, guidestart.1643+4632, that contains the following info: ;-------------------------------------------------------------------- ; set the following parameter to 0 if you want to have a finder ; chart with north-down, instead of north-up which is the default northup=1 ;apmname='/home/astro2/deepsearch/apm/cl0370.asc' apmname='/home/astro9/deephome/apmlist/164410.53+46363.12.apmlist' refname='sep3094kp4m244dbs.fts' camera ='TK2B' scale=.48 fwhm=2 filter ='R' outname='' object ='1643+4632' slit='Slit P.A.: Dispersion direction' canx=1754.2 cany=1168.0 rainput=16.7201 decinput=46.5369 magcan=22.2 magapm=-99 magref=-99 ;--------------------------------------------------------------------