Re: HST paper - dust extinction evolution

From: Alex Kim (
Date: Mon Apr 28 2003 - 15:49:27 PDT

  • Next message: Robert A. Knop Jr.: "Re: HST paper - dust extinction evolution"


    The bias numbers are in the proceeding paragraph, so I don't that this
    is too fluffy. Feel free to modify the text as you like, maybe you
    would prefer a <~ rather than a <, or restate the numbers or rather
    their difference.


    Robert A. Knop Jr. wrote:
    > On Sun, Apr 27, 2003 at 09:37:27AM -0700, Alex Kim wrote:
    >>>This bias moves almost exactly along the line
    >>>$\Omega_M+\Omega_\Lambda=1$, increasing uncertainty along the thin
    >>>axis of the error contour, and hence also in the deceleration
    >>>parameter. However, the extreme difference in dust properties
    >>>considered in the Monte Carlo contributes a shift in the cosmological
    >>>parameters that is less than 1 $\sigma$ of our quoted statistical
    >>>error bars.
    > Note that <1-stat-sigma is the size of *all* of the statistical errors
    > we're quoting... can you give me a number I can stick on this? Only if
    > it is "lots" less than the other statistical errors, or something (like
    > Malmquist) that is very challenging to estimate a number on, are we
    > leaving a number out.
    > We might finesse this by saying that these are the most extreme cases,
    > and thus for more likly cases the uncertainty is likely to be negligible.
    > -Rob

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