Re: further thougths on CMB vs. Helio redshifts

From: Eric Linder (
Date: Wed Apr 16 2003 - 09:34:58 PDT

  • Next message: Robert A. Knop Jr.: "New HST draft"

    It looks like I've been brought into the middle of this, so I'm not sure
    of the exact context, but it sounds to me like Rob's analysis is

    In r_l(z), the quantity z is just a useful parametrization of cosmic
    distance or time; one could equally write r_l(a) or r_l(t) or
    r_l(r_coordinate). So the z here should be the redshift due solely to
    the global expansion.

    For the factors 1+z, these comes from photon frequency shift and time
    dilation, i.e. the 0 and 1 components of the photon four-momentum.
    Therefore all influences on these must be taken into account equally.
    This is properly multiplicative in 1+z, not additive in z, since the
    ratio of frequencies (or wavelengths or momenta) goes as 1+z. That is,
      (1+z)_total = (1+z)_cosmic * (1+z)_peculiarvelocity
    Of course when one z is small, it looks like adding z's.


    p.s. Five more messages on this subject came into my inbox while I was
    writing this! I'll respond further once I've read them.

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