From: Eric Linder (
Date: Wed Apr 16 2003 - 09:34:58 PDT
It looks like I've been brought into the middle of this, so I'm not sure
of the exact context, but it sounds to me like Rob's analysis is
In r_l(z), the quantity z is just a useful parametrization of cosmic
distance or time; one could equally write r_l(a) or r_l(t) or
r_l(r_coordinate). So the z here should be the redshift due solely to
the global expansion.
For the factors 1+z, these comes from photon frequency shift and time
dilation, i.e. the 0 and 1 components of the photon four-momentum.
Therefore all influences on these must be taken into account equally.
This is properly multiplicative in 1+z, not additive in z, since the
ratio of frequencies (or wavelengths or momenta) goes as 1+z. That is,
(1+z)_total = (1+z)_cosmic * (1+z)_peculiarvelocity
Of course when one z is small, it looks like adding z's.
p.s. Five more messages on this subject came into my inbox while I was
writing this! I'll respond further once I've read them.
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