intrinsic color dispersion

From: Robert A. Knop Jr. (
Date: Thu Feb 27 2003 - 11:38:07 PST

  • Next message: Gerson Goldhaber: "Re: stretch/delta-m-15"

    Here's some quick-n-dirty data on the dispersion of B-V at Bmax.

    Note that what I've done is very different from what Serena did in her
    paper. There, she was looking at colors on specific days. I'm looking
    at the results of colors from lightcurve fits at t=0. Quite different

    First: take *all* low-z supernovae used in the HST paper (Hubble flow
    Riess + Hamuy). Apply K-corrections, and extinction corrections basedon
    the E(B-V) from my fits. The color dispersion I get is 0.09 (a bit more
    than Serena's day 0 dispersion, but remember that I'm doing a different

    Hamuy + Riess: dispersion is 0.09
    Hamuy alone: dispersion is 0.04
    Riess alone: dispersion is 0.14

       ==> Serena already sort of discusses this in her paper, saying that
       there is evidence for a systematic difference in the two sets. Table
       7 in my paper already suggests this. The systematic difference may
       be worse for lightcurve fits than for Serena's "just look at the
       colors" method. Anecdotally, I saw that the Riess set didn't as
       often give good fits to the lightcurve template. Part of this could
       be extinction: a number of the Riess supernovae were *very* reddened;
       with the reduced number used in the paper from the Hubble flow, they
       have a bigger effect.

    Finally, I looked at the dispersion throwing out the most egregiously
    reddened supernovae: I threw out everything with either the Milky Way or
    the Host E(B-V)>0.1

    Hamuy + Riess : 0.03
    Hamuy alone : 0.03
    Riess alone : 0.03 [ only six events left ]

    The great improvement when throwing out the most egregiously reddened
    supernovae lends some support to Greg's argument that there may be only
    a very small intrinsic color dispersion (though I'd be surprised if it
    were truly strictly zero), but that there is a dispersion in the
    reddening law (and/or we have a systematic error in the reddening law).

    Even though this isn't where I got the number, this also justifies my
    exrectum 0.03 that I used for intrinsic dispersion. However, it may
    also be worth trying fits that use 0 intrinsic dispersion (at least in
    B-V, perhaps sticking with something in U-B) and an uncertainty on Rb.


    --Prof. Robert Knop
      Department of Physics & Astronomy, Vanderbilt University

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