gamma version of snmin02

From: Don Groom (
Date: Fri Dec 13 2002 - 15:15:25 PST

  • Next message: Don Groom: "PS on snmin02"

    I have frozen today's version of the snmin02 <ncolors> fitting code on

    Feel free to use it. Known problems or questions:

    1. AAINSTRUCTIONS is not quite as finished as I would like.

    2. Some of the more complicated command file inventions by Alex C
    might not compute; I meddled with it since he did.

    3. The train of logic in getting from the fits + number of counts at
    B max for the observer filter o corrected to rest filter r, i.e.

    Mzero --> m_o --> m_r --> m_r_corrected

    has been more or less taken over from snminuit, and needs rechecked.

    4. I don't like the lightcurve error bands shown in the fits to the new
    SUBARU data; this calculation is complicated and of no direct use except
    at t = 0 (where it's the intensity error!) and for the graphics. Will look
    at it next week.

    Don Groom (Particle Data Group, Supernova Cosmology Project)
    DEGroom(at) Voice: 510/486-6788 FAX: 510/486-4799
    Analog: 50-308//Berkeley Lab//Berkeley, CA 94720

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