Current update of the planning list of candidates (and for which telescopes)

From: Saul Perlmutter (
Date: Sun May 12 2002 - 20:33:36 PDT

  • Next message: Mamoru Doi: "Re: Night report, Keck night 1 & plan for tomorrow"

                      END-OF-NIGHT CANDIDATES
    Gemini Keck
                                      T02-029 21.3 Bright AGN?
                                      T02-047 22.9
    T02-028 22.9
    T02-030 23.3
                                      T02-055 23.9 weak

                  MOST-OF-NIGHT CANDIDATES (In the "deep" field)
    _____________________Magnitude 22.2 to 23.3___________________________
                         (* = no finding chart)
    Gemini Keck VLT
                                C02-028/Prolix 22.2 13%
    S02-058 22.5 85%
                                S02-064 22.X
                                S02-074* 23.3 72%
    S02-075* 23.2 200%
    S02-084/SDFe1 23.0 638%

    _____________________Magnitude 23.5 to 24.3 ___________________________
    Gemini Keck VLT
                                T02-059 23.9 78%
                                                          C02-013/Isntix 24.0
                                                          T02-015 24.1 74%
    S02-057 24.0 82%
                                                          C02-030/Troudux 23.8 54%
    T02-053 24.02 17%
            (22 mag host: AGN?)
                                S02-085/SDFe4 23.8 32%
    T02-058 24.2 35% lower priority
    C02-034/InTheMix 23.5 19% lower priority because bright host (low z?)

    _____________________Magnitude 24.3 to 25.0____________________________
    Gemini Keck VLT
                                C02-033/Philantropix 24.80 607%
                                C02-032/ItNeedAFix 24.70 -2800%
                                S02-061 24.7 117%
                                S02-078 24.7 85%
                                S02-070 24.6 122% [no HST]
                                S02-060 25.1 917% [no HST]

                                _______/SDFe8* 24.6 >1000% no visible host
                                S02-082/SDFe3 24.8 229%
                                S02-083/SDFe7 24.85 31%
                                S02-080* 24.75 10% lower priority
                                S02-071* 24.5 8% lower priority
                                S02-076* 24.7 5% lower priority
                                S02-079 24.4 6% lowest priority

    Unassigned Candidates
    These are all LBL magnitudes, so I'm not sure how much (0.5mag or more) to
    subtract off these values:

    S02-066 Ugluk 3 26.12LBL 5.59 16%

    S02-069 2 25.43LBL 9.23 24% (unvetted)
    S02-081 2 25.65LBL 7.65 30% (unvetted)
    S02-065 Wormtongue 3 25.68LBL 8.31 10% "suspect"

    The Bottom Of the Barrel
    These first one is important to rule out or rule in because it is
    in CFHT field (visible from VLT/ISAAC) and could be deep (especially the first
    C02-023 14:00:39.1 +04:52:20.1 3 23.9 7.32 28% (yuckish)

    S02-063 13:25:32.5 +27:22:14.0 3 26.13LBL 5.21 53% YUCK [not
    that bad?]

    S02-068 Bilbo 13:25:42.7 +27:21:09.9 2 26.20 4.88 38%
    S02-056 13:22:16.4 +27:44:45.3 3 26.0LBL 4.91 1198%
    S02-062 13:22:32.9 +27:43:21.6 3 24.28 4.29 121%

    S02-059 Bombur 13:22:15.9 +27:24:28.6 3 26.4 4.99 12%

    S02-072 SDF2 13:24:40.8 +27:22:15.5 3 24.32 0.00 0 (very
    S02-073 SDF3 13:24:41.5 +27:24:56.7 3 23.75 0.00 0 (very

    Currently candidates that are considered not worth spectrum:

    C02-029 comix 23.1 15.29 15% weird lightcurve
    C02-020 Dwalin 23.9 6.50 50% Nothing seen in French subtraction
    C02-026 cand0015 24.1 6.77 25% Nothing seen in French subtraction
    C02-025 24.4 5.26 40% Nothing seen in French subtraction

    Completed spectrum observations:

    name name2 RA2000 Dec2000 Prio Mag ApSig %INC
    T02-037 Elindil 15:46:57.0 +08:12:36.6 8 22.3 8.8 46 z=0.49 Gemini
    S02-064 13:24:06.3 +27:42:10.0 8 22.8 111.1 107 z=0.56?Gemini
    C02-027 14:02:10.6 +04:52:14.5 4 23.0 16.25 15 done at Gemini
    C02-031 23.7 18% z=0.53? VLT

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